
Well now that some of the rich will be screwed by a bill that’s meant to screw only the non-rich, maybe it will be stopped?

Great article! With your permission, my fellow editors and I would like to include it in the forthcoming anthology, 99% of Americans Imperiled By House Tax Bill.

I then stood and bore witness when he broke the six seal of the end of the days and it read, “You will completely agree with Lavar Ball on a topic,” the heavens cried.....

I’d love to know the etymology of the word “dipshit”. Is it an extension/evolution of the term “dipstick”?

Donald Trump has achieved the impossible, which is making me sympathetic to LaVar Ball’s bullshit.

Dipshit father of dipshit kids burns dipshit leader of dipshit country

LaVar Ball-Donald Trump beef.

Learned it from LaVar. Dad left his son in Chinese legal limbo in Hangzhou to go sell overpriced shoes in Shanghai, a hundred miles away, the day after LiAngelo’s arrest.

Look, there’s a lot to hate on with the Ball family, but I would do the same thing in this situation. It’s really dumb to get into a fight during any sports competition. People who do get into fights like this are idiots and Lonzo is right to think it’s fucking stupid.

Why are they still in Monaco? Le Mans?

casinos, casinos and casinos.

Do they really have a crane on standby right there? That would be the first red flag of a known problem...

They’re incredibly lucky that a fire didn’t start. It looks like many of those drivers were trapped in their cars.

No worries, just tell the kids it’s a rocketship

After being down by 17 in the 3rd quarter the Celtics finally saw what Brown could do for them, thank you again Brooklyn!

Ugh, I KNOW. They even gender-swapped the protagonists, how unoriginal.

INBOX: [SPAM] Re: re: re: re: Greetings from Nigeria!

A bobsled-team from a warm-weather country completes a surprise entry into the Winter Olympics through a qualifier in Calgary?

Pat dressed like he’s jetting off to Hedonism II after the show.