Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.
Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.
The full quote is more chilling and makes what this is about much more explicit, I think:
I will never forgive so-called leftists who parroted the alt-right in attacking Hillary Clinton. NEVER. They were so determined to smear her for not being good enough they didn’t even realize they were doing the Nazi’s job for them.
I would argue that they do, in fact, know this tidbit. Their goal is not to be reasonable or scientific, their goal is to ban abortion as fully as they are able.
In several Key States the difference between Trump and Hillary was lower(in some cases far lower) than the number of people who voted Stein.
“Human life, beginning at the moment of conception, is sacred in all of its forms and today, I introduced a bill that will protect the lives of voiceless innocents,”
But remember people, Hillary was just as bad as Trump and people who voted Third Party just so they could personally feel good aren’t selfish in anyway.
Anthony Weiner not being dead in a ditch or renditioned to a black site in Yemen is proof that Hillary ain’t killed nobody.
Wish I could have been there to give more applause than I’ve given anyone in my life to date, and then some. As I saw someone comment elsewhere, I hope she gets appreciated in defeat, because she never was properly appreciated when she was running or at any time before that.
She was too masculine! She was too feminine! She was too aggressive and harsh! She was too frail! She was too progressive! She was too moderate! She was too incompetent! She was a diabolical mastermind! She was stiff, rigid, uptight! She was going to keel over at any moment!
No, but you don’t understand, you see! Hillary is a corporate shill that abandoned the American people to the status quo and if only she and the DNC saw the blinding, white, male light then the world would be a better place! She didn’t rail hard enough! She wasn’t Elizabeth Warren! She didn’t force the electors hands!…
Literally no one worked harder and more directly to prevent “all this Trump bullshit” than Hillary Clinton.
And you helping with the fight as well....right?
I will NEVER not be heartbroken over this election.
When I crossed the border from Canada last week, the US customs agent asked me specifically if I was bring back Kinder Eggs. When I replied, no, he informed me that the Duty Free store was able to sell them, and he’d let me use the Nexus lane if I wanted to turn around and get some.
Great response to an absolute shit pile of an article from Hannah. I’m embarrassed for her.
When can we shame stupid Trump voters for allowing themselves to be influenced by paid for Russian trolls? That their hatred of Hillary Clinton is so severe they allowed themselves to do the bidding of Vladmir Putin. How can republican voters not feel completely embarrassed for themselves?!
Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
The stunt, known as the “bullet catch”, debuted in 2010 and consist of Blaine firing a rifle at his own head and catching the bullet in a metal cup inside his mouth.
Also remember how Bernie supporters (I was one) were outraged, nevermind that most of the pro-Hill stuff came out after it was clear he wouldn’t win, yet that part went uncovered by most of the press?