
What if no formal vote was taken on purpose. This way no owner is on the hook should the voting results get out. That way every owner gets to say they would have voted no, they get to use Goodell as a shield, and get the rule they were looking for. And if there is enough backlash they change the rule and look like

The kid is basically a scratch during practice because he can’t get enough rest. That’s more than just a generational issue between the player and management. It’s a lack of commitment. And yes that can be a problem that doesn’t show at first but eventually becomes a problem. It’s easier to get by on natural talent in

I have Comcast now but with my upcoming move next month I am excited that I will finally have the option of switching to Verizon. The Verizon deal doesn’t have as many channels or probably as robust of an on demand selection, but it does include faster internet (Comcast has laughable upload speeds) a second TV, and a

Reminds me of the Mr X story in Bob Zmuda’s book about Andy Kaufman.

I look forward to the following story “How Gizmodo Media Group profits off of exploiting blacks.” You’ll write about them, but you won’t hire them. Well except for The Root which is like giving them their own water fountain.

I would just like to point out that if you buy storage from Google that you lose the free 15GB. If you buy a plan you don’t get that storage plus the free 15, you just get what you paid for. That might not seem like a big difference when talking terabytes, but it was still something I noticed and asked customer

You know who also can be great employees, blacks. But outside of their own little corner called The Root you would be hard pressed to find any writing for Gizmodo Media Group. But keep pointing out other’s shortcomings while being totally oblivious to your own.

While true, try telling the families of the dead that their death was a noble one that was beneficial to society in the long run. Ask them if that helps the pain.

What’s a smaller summit, the one for all the black people in Star Wars, or the one for all the black people that write for all the Gizmodo Media Group sites not named The Root?

Given Gizmodo Media Group’s history they would probably be better off not commenting on stories dealing with workplace sexual harassment, minority hiring, or issues dealing with the LGBT cause.

Is this site going to remove every post that reminds them that they did the same exact thing for one of their own? It was only a few months ago that this came out. This site loves to use the buzzword “transparency” but I don’t think they know what it means. Full disclosure, I went to Temple but do not and never have

This story would carry a lot more weight if this same site didn’t go out of their way to protect one of their own accused of sexual assault. Remember the story about the coworker who accused this site of protecting Greg Howard? Yeah that happened. That’s my problem with this site, they love to throw around the word

Is that a picture of the Jalopnik crew or the white house interns?

How do you make a steak out of pork?

Serious question, have you ever disagreed with a celebrity’s genuine insight? Not a shot at you, just that when people use such phrases what they really mean is “they agree with me, and so by extension I have genuine insight.”

Amazon is a horrible company that treats their employees horribly. In other news, don’t forget to check out our Amazon daily deals, and be sure to use our link so we continue to get our cut from this shitty company.

All these stories about how horrible a company Amazon is, but does it stop this family of sites from sending business their way in exchange for a cut, nope. Stop playing the role of concerned media, you are the accomplice.

Adams, Hamilton, John Jay, lawyers.

Is basic income for adults only, or do children get it too? If so what does this do to the country’s population? Do you see spikes in one class over another?

My kid plays and the requests started soon after. He asked for this upgrade pack and I said OK. I wasn’t paying attention so I didn’t realize that these packs are updated every 60ish days and we bought it at day 40something. I noticed the date thing when he came back like 2 weeks later asking for the latest. My wife