
Oh man, I feel for you.

Ford... doesn’t make the Demon....

“Damn son, that watch is dope.”

“Sir, we’re losing altitude!” “Engage bottom rotor!”

Time. My wife took our two girls (3-5yo) to her mom’s for the weekend and gave me the house with absolutely no distractions. I got so much done. Random projects around the house that piled up, scheduling some much needed irrigation work, and some minor work on my car. At night I went out with a few friends and I slept

Time. My wife took our two girls (3-5yo) to her mom’s for the weekend and gave me the house with absolutely no

Sorry, I meant did you join the cult.

Its almost like the note’s author has English as a second language.

He loves the uneducated and we know why , he’s one of them.


As a community, we Black folks eat our own. The recriminations and judgements never cease! It hurts more when your own community refuses to see and accept you, but I’m over 40 and no longer give a fuck.

I dont know why anyone in Trump’s inner circle doesn’t abandon ship at this point. He has made it clear that he will throw you to the sharks at the first sign of disloyalty. Might as well flee in mass. At least that way you'll be buried in all the tweets he would angrily send out. Plus, you give Trump time to do his

That’s because as negroes in America we’ve been uberconditioned to only think we can get wealthy bouncing a ball through a net from 3 point range.

Plus he doesn’t know that guy or any but a few of his most devoted reps. Reporters could literally Moe’s Tavern the shit out of him. “Hugh Janus? I always knew Hugh Janus was full of shit.” “People are saying Amanda Huginkiss can’t be the future of our FANTASTIC party.” “Hopefully somebody primaries Oliver Closeoff.

My commencement speaker raped 54 women, usually by slipping roofies in their drinks.

She looked like a clown and the class pretty much treated her as such. She even got a sarcastic "woo" and applause at the end. All she did was make a fool of herself and the situation even worse for her daughter. But hey- keep promoting ignorance like this. 

Wypipo: “Government needs to stay out of our business. We have the 2nd Amendment to protect us from tyrannical government overreach.”

203 huh.

I got a chuckle out of this:

Candy Apple Beige.