
Many zoos, including most municipal zoos in the US, are not for-profit zoos

With 9 people home in my house ALL.THE.TIME right now I would gladly take two. I am sick of the dishes starter pile that inhabits my sink after every flipping meal.

Either on the right or behind the ovens in the pantry area. I agree about the second island, it’s an obscene sized sideboard.

I am so thankful for articles about the less seen, less visible impacts of the pandemic. As a white woman, the limits of personal care (haircuts, eyebrows, nails) had been apparent to me, but thank you for giving this perspective time to breath in the world. So many pieces of our lives are being damaged right now.

I think there was a systemic failure to bring Bernie supporters back into the fold and I see Biden repeating that with the progressive wing. “Not Trump” was not enough 4 years ago and I doubt it is because progressives didn’t think Trump was going to be bad. There is an alternative theory of letting things get really

Or put her in a great cabinet position. Dept of Treasury, Labor, or Commerce would be a lock & key fit for her. VP, wrangling votes for Biden’s agenda, is not where her strengths would shine.

This! Especially because Warren was right there. Lots of progressive women were hanging their hat on Warren rather than Bernie because Bernie didn’t speak to us anymore. 

It’s being an active member... meaning paying tithing and fairly regular attendance and holding callings (unpaid positions in the church like Sunday school teacher) and being a temple recommend holder and a lot of other markers that are used to determine if you are LDS enough.

Artichoke hearts? It was an accident. Hubby said we were out but we still had 3 large Costco jars. Frozen tilapia, also a mistake, this time I thought we were out because my old roommate ate a lot of fish and when she left I kept buying them up. 

And then there are families like mine. We have 9 people living in my house. We need a 36 pack of toilet paper and there is none to be found. Please, for the love of everything, only buy the amount of toilet paper you actually need.

My mom’s live would have also been transformed by universal childcare. As a kid of the late 80s with siblings who finally graduated from high school in 2012 it’s unfathomable how different her life would have been. She was a young mom who went back to school for drafting in the early 90s. She was learning the first

It’s where teens that loved Pizza Rolls grow up into. They have the best low prep convenience foods. Also anyone who makes food boards. I introduced my mom recently... triple ginger cookies are life.

I feel like that’s where the USSF started though at the beginning of the EqualPayTM fight by the USWNT. 5ish? years ago when the women’s team was really on the upswing the argument from USSF for the disparity in pay was basically the women play well but no one wants to watch them. As the USWNT have racked up wins they

She does have a husband, they do a podcast together and he is a pretty well known lefty-policy guy. 

I was with you until the bishop stuff. Just like the Pope is not the same as your local parish priest, the President (or prophet) that decides to rebrand the Mormon church isn’t the local ward bishop. They have also been the Church of Latter Day Saints since the 1800s when it was named that by its founder. Yes, sure

Xenon Girl of the 21st Century shoes.

I swear to god. Acting like there is anything supportable reason for 18 being the age of adulthood is ridiculous. It’s just a happy social agreement. Across time and culture there have been other ages that have been arbitrarily determined to be adulthood. In Japan adulthood has been 20 since the late 1800s and is

This is such a powerful point. I’d say probably half of men have been in an iffy situation, at least. Probably more. They will never believe themselves as rapists so they will not place that on this action. They may even admit that there was a misunderstanding or a mismatch in what they thought was consensual but they

I don’t get it. People who brag about rarely farting is like... really weird? I dunno most people fart between 15-20 times EVERY DAY probably a bunch when they are sleeping. It is so freaking normal to fart it is bizarre that it is so stigmatized. And some people feel so much shame that they fart too much only to find

The policy wonk in me completely agrees with your analysis. I think it is completely plausible the statute had been stretched by precedent beyond the plain text. I’d really like to take a look at what was presented for the indictment that provided the underpinnings to move forward.