
4 unmedicated births here. I tore with my first but so minimally that it healed on its own. I did not feel in control enough to slow off from pushing but it was no matter. I only find the last several minutes before finally giving birth to be seriously painful. I know the end is near when I don’t think I can do it

Wannabe Napa Valley town? What? No way. There are some vineyards if that is what you mean but there is a lot more meth than coke. It isn’t Dundee FFS.

Was there ever?

Yes, as someone who struggles with suicidal ideation and depression it is a hard thing to balance. It is comforting to know other people are going through similar struggles when you feel isolated by your own thoughts/body. But it’s also triggering and can create a sense that you don’t need real help because other

Nooooo please stop!!!! I need DST up here in the here in the very dark PNW. I need daylight to be during the day when I can love it. Our permanent DST bill died sadly but I hate winter when all of the daylight hours happen when I’m in the office. Go to work in the dark and home in the dark. It is pure misery.

But legally it is an excuse. Some laws require intent in order for the law to be actually broken (some don’t like your speeding example).

Yours includes so much less crying than mine. You get it girl!

It is such a mind trip. The way we live our lives and earn money these days basically tears away all the protective factors we know help to insulate people against depression and anxiety and instead amplify the triggering factors. I am in the midst of my own mental health crisis and it is a ray of hope that there is

Not to mention that “ex” doesn’t feel like the right term. Their relationship ended because she was dead... not a break up of any kind. We don’t really have a word for that for unmarried folks (like widow/widower) but ex isn’t the term that you use for a relationship that ends in the murder of one of the parties.

You need to take your MRA bullshit somewhere else. This isn’t about a single situation and MY challenge. Motherhood is untenable because men refuse to “give a shit” about things that are necessary to raise children.

Interestingly my 13 year old is better at remembering that every single time we clean the kitchen that we should wipe down the stove than my husband. She also sees that a baby should get it’s diaper changed as soon as it wakes up from sleeping 10 hours. It’s not a a lack of delegating skills. It’s a lack of ownership

And that unpredictability makes it even more difficult IMO. Just when I think I can drop something off my plate because it has been delegated or he has seen it a few times I get blasted back into reality that I can’t depend on it enough to drop the mental rope on it with confidence that it will be taken care of. For

So... basically keep carrying the mental load. Got it. Basically doing it right then.

I think on the surface from the outside it certainly looks like it’s more equal or that dad is taking on the primary role. I’m in a liberal field in liberal city with a liberal husband. From the outside he looks like a guy who gets it. He takes the kids to school. He does most of the after school care because I get

How do you think this conversations works exactly? I’m genuinely asking because it’s not like I haven’t tried to help him understand the nitty gritty of keeping a family of 8's home running but maybe you have the magic bullet.

This is what I think childless folks miss. And through no fault of their own. They see the egalitarian relationship and can’t imagine that it would change. But it is not surprising IMO if you think about it.

My husband would definitely let down his kid and tell his kid it isn’t a big deal.

I’d say my husband for his part thinks he is an equal partner but he does not see the mental load at all. He also would be fine with our kids never being in an extra curricular, never going to a playdate or having a friend outside of our walls, not having gifts for birthdays/holidays, and no parties for anything, and

I think pieces of it are right though. Healthcare, especially non-profit healthcare that is funded largely by each state’s Medicaid state plan, in one state operates under a different set of rules than another state. I know this is ture in all sectors but very pronounced in anything that is related to public services

Their supervisor is also probably a millennial. You know since millennials are 22-37 at this point.