
So the first amendment doesn’t apply in making the House rules but the equal protection clause does? Does the Constitution specifically say which pieces of it are not applicable to the rule making in the upper and lower houses of the legislature?

Well sure, if you don’t end up in the ER from low blood sugar or faint and bust your head open generally most dieting things in the short term are pretty benign. Like 3, 5, 7, 10 day juice fast probably won’t be deadly to most people who do it. That doesn’t make it really healthy. Whole30 is pretty similar. There is a

Oh my god, this chick. My sister in law, who is also a MLM schlup, is just in love with the Girl Wash your Face book. I listened to it on audio book on her advice. It is the same old same old bullshit that is in The Secret and every other book.

I felt so awful on the Whole30 I thought I was dying. I almost passed out at least 3 times and somedays was so lethargic I could barely get out of bed. And I’m like let’s do that again because I lost 15 pounds. Fuck diet culture is so hard to break.

Basically, the Trump set believe lactose intolerance is made up by the liberal media. I would laugh but this shit is ridiculous... they think things like this are some kind of conspiracy against the American way or some shit. Not even kidding.

Wink, indeed. Probably the same kind of wink I got from Obama on Oprah in 2006... mmhmmm

As long as you don’t also add in a hellish commute and a spouse who also has a demanding work schedule. I’m up a 5:30 and I definitely cannot go to the gym on my way in to work. I try... hard... to get a run in after the kids go to bed but that happens only a couple times a week. My 2 hour commute really sucks every

Also she had an opportunity to stop this, to not dig in. She could have said... I repeated family lore that had been passed down to me without really understanding the larger context that this story is part of. I didn’t understand that many white families have used their real or fictitious native ancestors legitimize

First thought, this woman took emotional labor too far. She wanted to make her boss so happy that she petitioned Congress. WTF?

Yea, I can see that. Especially if they are at home with the kids and they don’t get a lot of other adult supervision. My kids who all breastfed until 2.5 including when they have an injury or something. BUT they are in full time daycare and I work with a long commute so dad is the pick up/drop off person. It does let

At least for me, after the baby turns 1 I don’t do any of that. I don’t pump, my kids go over night to their grandma’s and don’t nurse for a bedtime. If they get too wiggly or annoying I cut it off and we try again later. When it’s not their primary food source a lot of the arranging life around nursing falls away. 

I do think it’s right between 12mos and 18mos that this gets cleared up. There is the difference between the reflexive rooting (of infants) and older babies who have figured out that this body part is sometimes available for milk I’m going to try all available avenues. My experience has been that around 18mos if they

My 3 year old is also weaned and he likes when I wear specific camisoles because he can nuzzle my chest. It’s pillowy and snuggly and right at his level when on my lap. I can understand that it would be creepy but he’s just trying to snuggle, not anything weird.

I have nursed my first three kids to right at 2.5 years. Currently still nursing my 19mo old. Part of it is this irrational fear of shorting a kid for doing it longer or shorter than the others. One less mom guilt thing to worry about if one has some mysterious illness later in life? I started out thinking

Which is why the “Uber” and “Lyft” stickers in the windows of driver’s vehicles is deceiving. It can seem like your ride will be covered by the company on the window when it isn’t because you didn’t book the correct way. People used to the general common knowledge of taxis might not be aware of this implication.

Seems to be a pretty shitty question to be asking her TBH. Re: Jane Fonda and plastic surgery. She politely demurred from the line of questioning and he kept going after it. I think Trump has been questioned less about his infidelity than his wife has and she didn’t do anything. Nor is she the f-ing president.

I agree. Like we have no problem coming up with stranger rape porn but we don’t fully explore why women are attracted to that kind of porn. And we falsely assume that because no one is actually getting raped that there is no harm being perpetrated by producing and consuming it. I also don’t think we really have the

I am so sorry that happened to you and that you have to deal with that aftermath.

And before Trump every other sitting president has behaved like a grown-up and followed the goddamned rules of not using public resources as propaganda machines or for personal enrichment.

I think this is important. It’s also important the response. I have done things in the past that were really shitty and I have worked really hard on myself to prevent them from happening again. In my younger years I didn’t have the skills to deal with the pressure of life, the cycle of abuse, communication challenges,