
Sorry, I forgot white women aren’t allowed to have opinions. If white women can’t get into these exclusive clubs, women of color stand an even lesser chance.

Wow, what a gross take. No wonder this article is getting blasted on social media. 

America Ferrera, a woman, was nominated for Best Supporting Actress. Please don’t erase her. Other than that, I agree. 

Isn’t the media acting all weird about this? How many think pieces do y’all plan on writing? 

Is he really anti sex though? He spends more time talking about it than most normal people. 🤔

Yeah it’s crazy. They’re still angry about Bernie not getting the nomination. Apparently, that was also a conspiracy.

This idiotic article is one for the record books.

Who knew a grown woman needed her co-star’s permission to date someone. Do these people live in the 1700’s?

She used the fact that she was a woman to recruit these girls. They probably thought what could go wrong, there is a woman here who will look out for me. 

I think he has a stylist, which make his style choices even funnier.

Since returning you guys are very low on content. It’s 1PM EST. Shouldn’t you have more than one recap article by now?

I feel bad for her, and let’s not forget, the boyfriend. Life without parole.

Timmy gives off gay vibes. Maybe she’s just his beard. The alternative is that he has horrible taste.

Imagine how insecure you have to be to tell the world you weren’t really into the most awesome athlete of all time. He’s a small man. Whatever his name is. Sadly, she should be bothered.

Broke, but still has the money for a political advisor and full time PR person who was in court with him every day. Plus, limos and dandy meals. I need to be this kind of broke. Force him into a budget that normies live on and take the rest.

Posting photos with the president while chilling in the White House is the ultimate flex. For all we know Mimi might be happy to be rid of a 7 year relationship with a man who didn’t seem to have a life of his own, but leave it to Jezebel to portray her as some lonely single woman who must somehow get through the

Or maybe it was the text messages that indicated he had assaulted her before and didn’t want her going to the hospital.

It’s not that Biden is ambivalent. He’s a Catholic. That doesn’t mean he isn’t fighting for a woman’s right to choose. It may not be his choice, but he does believe it’s a person’s choice. It’s disingenuous to call him ambivalent.

His emails show classic abuser behavior. The narcissistic tone, the emotional blackmail, the subtle threats, the not so subtle threats. He’s despicable.

I wish she’d get as much media coverage at Kate Cox. Her story is just as frightening.