
Last week the internet was claiming Jennifer Aniston was a racist because she wasn’t dialed into black church culture where using antisemitic tropes is totally not racist because they are part of black church culture. Not sure how that is any different than claiming the confederate flag is not racist because it’s part

Unless Sandra Bullock hired someone to give this performance for her why should she return her Oscar? I feel terrible that this drama is playing out during what is undoubtedly the worst week of her entire life. People on the internet are the worst!

Disney should respond by filing another lawsuit. 😀

This is somehow less offensive than her endorsement of Trump. Didn’t she call Trump the least racist person on the planet just last week?

All I know is….

Bernie is not on the ballot. When he was on the ballot he didn’t think abortion was an important issue. He was completely dismissive on the issue. How’s that working out?

Don’t bother with the Swedish model. They’re currently being taken over by the far right. You can look to socialist countries all over the world and you won’t find a successful model. 

Most people are gonna miss that joke. I totally appreciate the effort. 👍

This is so true! Aniston got attacked by people who seem like they’ve never even met a Jew, but expected her to be totally dialed into black church culture. Seems like a lot of performative diversity from people who don’t really embrace diversity. Obviously weren’t dialed in enough to know how offensive this comment

They got schooled by people whose IG accounts feature zero diversity. 🙄

Referring to women as heifers? Yikes. So it’s ok to load up on the misogyny while you blast other people for not being open minded or being totally dialed into black church culture?

That’s a very good analogy. I would add that people on the far left want that bus ride to be free. Who is going to pay for the gas and make sure the bus driver gets paid and receives health insurance and a pension 

You’d think the left would have learned their lesson after 8 years of George W. AND Trump. You fail to understand that America is not a far left country. 

Biden has actually done a lot of progressive things. Obama never tried to tackle student loan debt and barely scratched the surface with the climate crisis and it was Biden who talked him into Gay marriage.

Yeah, not sarcasm. This has been my argument when getting into these debates, debates with the same people who voted for Ralph Nader and Jill Stein.

People need to stop sitting at home on Election Day.

The idea of turning your vacation into a photo shoot for a company is an idea that is completely lost on me. The whole idea of a vacation is to get away from working. These folks just feel the need to monetize EVERYTHING. Maybe they’re short on cash. 😀

Isn’t this just an elaborate PR stunt? Everyone now knows who she is and we’re all talking about her. 

Don’t a lot of these whiny little dudes play golf on Fridays all summer long? Wipe your man tears with all that extra cash you make fellas!

She whined to NY Magazine less than a year ago in the interview where she shows the reporter how much she cares by having her security guard exploit a homeless person.