
Way to own the libs! 🤣

If only you had a stutter. Must be an unethical little priss just like him. Maybe he can get you some of that Bin Laden cash he took. 🤣

Yeah because those famous women who already have massive platforms really needed another platform. There are literally BILLIONS of non famous women who could use a platform like this. 

The man who told Diana the day before their wedding that he didn’t love her, spent their entire marriage cheating on her while he and his mistress gaslit the crap out of her while pretending not to? The man who needs people to tie his shoe laces, whines about pens, whines about not being the center of attention and…

They are super BORING just like the rest of the royals. If they really wanted to do something interesting they would have talked to regular people about the lives of more relatable people instead of endlessly whining about their privileged lives and lining up famous friends for a podcast. They didn’t even have enough…

Just the latest on a long list of cons. Their entire brand is total bullshit  

Bullshit. A lot of states aren’t even taking the life of the mother into account. So yeah, people will in fact die. You know if the men were the ones having the babies you’d be able to get an abortion pill at every 7-11.

A truly terrible person. People will literally die because of her. 

A career move towards what, a wildly unpopular position? 

Wow this write up is almost as long as the original article. How did you not make a bigger mention of the Bosnian rose petal water? Is that even a real thing? Rich people are fucking weird

Wow, you hit all the words in the crazy right wing word salad. So the second amendment was created for criminal losers who lose elections so you can violently overturn the will of the majority?

We can laugh at ridiculous people like her, but they are incredibly dangerous. They have millions of armed people in their corner. 

I was referring to the party. The website can be pretty interesting. Bess Levin’s political pieces are amazing.

The Vanity Fair has always been kind of boring. They let in reality show clowns and assistants. Not to sound like a snob , but she’s way too good for them.

He’s clearly violating his non compete clause. He’s trying to launch another show while pretending he’s just sone random American exercising his right to free speech. You’d have to be an idiot to buy that argument. But then again, idiots are his demographic. Never thought I’d side with Fox in anything, but I hope they…

I don’t think his argument is particularly weak. Phone hacking is actually illegal.

I always knew their breakup would be epic. Nothing but PR thirst the entire time they were together. But even I couldn’t imagine how horrible this endless divorce would turn out. Those poor kids are going to be screwed up for life. 

And yet when the world found out about it she was appearing on the cover of People magazine with her brand new baby. Babies of famous people were all the rage back then, a lot more profitable than a story about a neo nazi. 

Robert Downey Jr and Johnny Depp were hot messes for over a decade. So was Natasha Lyonne. You have to have talent to overcome this kind of stuff.

I’m sure Jennifer Aniston can attest to the fact that not having kids or being married can create a THOUSAND judgmental magazine covers and sexist tropes.