
Yeah. See, while I like the version on the article from a personal standpoint? It doesn't fit Link as a character, at all.

Man. People on here are fucking judgey.

Yeah... like a good deal of comments that I'm seeing, I don't see pro gamers as athletes. Gaming isn't a sport.

I was watching the Dark Knights Rises again last night and, like the motorcycle scene with the Joker, I noticed something that bugged the piss out of me. Early on in the movie when Batman escapes from the police in his Bat plane/helicopter/thing, he goes to help Catwoman who is fighting Banes thugs. They then turn and

We allow people like good ol'Pat to be on TV and say that the bible says we are suppose to stone the gays. With him actually fucking meaning it. But a kid being sarcastic on a facebook page? RAGEEEEE.

Lowest I've gotten is three left. Honestly don't know why the writer was having such a hard time. You'd think that someone who writes for a gaming blog would, you know, be good at games.

Wow, the article writer must be fucking terrible. I've been playing for about half an hour now and I've killed seven titans in a single life.

Keep that mentality going into the Xbox One and PS4 cycle and watch Razer sales fall. I have a Razer controller(I also use it with my PC), I was a 360 fanboy this generation with about 40 360 games to my 5 PS3 games and 3 Wii games. However, I don't ever plan on buying an Xbox One.

Yeah! If anything, DDR3 is so much better than DDR5! ...wait...*Brow furrow*And, hey! The Xdone having 3 gigs of its RAM dedicated to the OS makes it more powerful! It's not going to be another Vista like piece of crap at all!

I'll never understand the whole Dickwolves thing. I mean really. People got upset over that shit? It's not just a matter of getting a sense of humor, one doesn't have to find it funny. It's a matter of stop being so thin skinned. Bunch of fucking babies. The transgendered thing... 'eh. He went a bit overboard in that,

At the very fucking least they could let them release the upcoming patch so those who already paid for it can get a smoother damn experience.

"I live in an area that doesn't have cell service. I wouldn't go buy a cell phone."

>> Yeah. I'm loving all the comments from people failing to realize that: It is made by the KH team. That it was to be a KH style battle system from the start.

Pretty sure XB1 is DDR3, not DDR4. Which is even worse. Not to mention the whole three gigs of said RAM being dedicated to the OS and other background stuff.

So. Let's count the ways the PS4 has taken a massive dump on the Xbox One.

Still cheaper than Gold. Five bucks a month for Plus, ten bucks a month for Gold.

Eh. That's fine. One? Expected. Two? Will lead to it being better than it was before, most likely. Three? Still cheaper than Xbox Gold. Gold? Ten bucks a month. PSN Plus? Five.

Yeahhh. That's the one thing I've always disliked about most of her videos.

My issue isn't really with the color of the hair, though I'd prefer more of a Twilight Princess dark blonde or w/e. It's that the wig is just so bad. Like, terrible.

Oh my god. I have a new found love for her now.