
Can’t she just marry Yara? She’s not planning on having any babies anyway so like...can we just get some queen love happening?

My favorite part of this season so far is that we are getting back a Stark every few episodes. Can we get a Lady Stoneheart up in this piece?

to be honest, I don’t see anything wrong with that. It would make the film more historically accurate and I think the Fanning sisters would kill it as Dottie and Kit. Not to say this movie needs to be remade (because it’s basically perfect) but if it was and those young ladies were cast, I would totally watch it.

“The village” is the community, the tribe, the family. It refers to how things used to be, when a kid didn’t need to look for their mom when they scraped their knee because there was already someone there to help. There’s still an unspoken “village” mentality among women who look out for each other’s kids, even in

I suppose - I like that Varys, his foil, has such a clear motivation, even if it’s a vague goal: service of the realm. Varys is the Neutral Good. So is Littlefinger the Chaotic Good or Neutral Evil? He doesn’t seem to want peace and he doesn’t care about stability - does he just want respect? It’ll be fun to see his

ah, that’s fair. I suppose he must have a blindspot somewhere and it makes a sort of sense that it would be Sansa. Still, I look forward to her asking him wtf and seeing how he deals with his responsibility in the situation.

Dany in the East

that just seems weirdly out of character though. he was out human-hunting in his father’s forests for ages before he went to Winterfell. how did news of that crazy not reach Littlefinger? Just an oversight? Seems like a convenient one, for a guy who mysteriously knows everything to just slipup when he’s setting up a

But what does he want? It seems like he’s just scheming what end? I can’t see him getting excited to be a king, he knows that it’s not a very powerful position in the end (since he’s helped manipulate/kill so many) and if he had wanted to marry a Cat-lookalike, he had Sansa right there. So what’s he

Ships I’m shipping for the rest of the show:

Someone in another thread suggested the Ramsey would try to get his dogs to kill Jon but Ghost will pop up and alpha them into turning in Ramsey. So long as Ghost gets the killing munch, I think that sounds like an alright scenario.

Much like the awesome Ros! I loved that actress and her role added a wry perspective to the Littlefinger/Varys rivalry. Ros and Osha were two of my favorite characters on the show, I’m sad they both kicked it ostensibly the same way - death by sadist. Both deserved so much better.

The only people I’ve ever met who have been anti-vax are highly educated, very wealthy people who live in a bubble of their own making. One of them is a kinda-friend of my mom’s who’s three adult children have never been vaccinated for *anything* and she uses their non-autistic aliveness to prove that she made the

Legit thought Neve Campbell was in this movie and my first thought was, “Girl, where you been! You look amazing!”

All I remember about this show was Bridget being legit adorable and super into animals. I was low-key happy for her that she had a job that allowed her to pursue her dream of living with lots of fluffy creatures.

Totally hear you and I respect your feelings on the matter. I had just listened to that story last night so it was still on my mind.

Rape victims act weird, cagey, disconnected, laugh a lot, make jokes, cry, whatever. These are all reasonable reactions to trauma and the fact that there is a notion of a ‘correct’ way to deal with rape and prosecuting a rapist is why situations like this happen:

I read that it’s a thing because “men can finally be involved in the pre-baby celebration!” as if the idea of man attending a baby shower is too ludicrous to even entertain. Nope, better to throw a whole separate party so Dad doesn’t feel like he’s doing something too girly.

I don’t - it was a joke that didn’t come across as one. I agree with you! People judging how others choose to spend their money is obnoxious and that was what I was poking at. It didn’t come across, but man, you got super annoyed. Sorry I wasted your time, I promise I am on the same page.

Guys - just so you know, this was an (admittedly poorly written) sarcastic joke about how people view spending money on weddings vs. DIY. I guess my tease came across as sincere? But it’s not. I don’t judge either couple, only the wedding industry in general.