
That’s the biggest disconnect here! Do you know of any lady berners? I have not come across any here (le intrawebs) or in real life. Not that everyone on the internet identifies their gender, nor do my friends + family announce their political preferences constantly my anecdotal experience, when you engage in

just wanna pop in and say three things:

When I was a teenager, I read that she has extreme sun sensitivity, thus always wears hats/sunscreen and avoids tanning. This had a profound impact on me and I justified the next 15 years of being a reclusive nerd by declaring that I wanted to look like Kim Basinger with I’m 50. Only 20 more to go and then I’ll go

Wasn’t this a plotline from 30 Rock?

I read a related article a while ago; the focus was on the stories of the abortion providers who help those hypocritical women. Imagine having to cope with being harassed and attacked daily and then one of the harassers ends up in your office asking for an abortion. Next day, she’s right out front with her signs and

That’s why I had to give it up too - I love a show that gives me a female lead I can root for, even when I don’t agree with her choices. Like Buffy or Stella Gibson! I want to be able to relate to her growth and empowerment as the show goes on because in a fantasy world, we’d all make our mistakes, cope with them and

f’reals. Or even at the park! When you have headphones on! In a city like NYC you have to guard your privacy and silence continuously but no matter what you do, some guy is still going to loom over your little patch of sunshine and tap you with his foot to get your attention. Sadly, the best thing I’ve ever tried is

I am guessing here but as the recipient of some crazy inaprops texts from clients...they seem to think it’ll be well received? Like, in the moment, they are feeling both vulnerable and invulnerable, probably drunk and alone. They need attention and so demand it from any young woman they might have in their contacts;

A few years ago, my then-boyfriend and I got into an argument because he said I was being hyper-feminist while playing the Lego Lord of the Rings video game. I got frustrated because you don’t get to be a female character until you’re 80% through with the game and of course, there’s no characters of color. It got

Except when they do THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THAT.


haha, don’t worry! I’m 30 and have been boffing dudes for half my life. I’m not gonna go grab a soft-cup and be like ‘for fun, let’s see if this works!’, I was just waxing-hypothetical because this seems like a thread where ladies can get a little silly about vagbags.

I can picture the conversation they had when discussing what to offer her. Probably something like:

I like to imagine that you didn’t even have to look those numbers up because you are a processed-food-nutrition-label-specific savant.

Appreciation & respect right back at you. :)

Nice try, Mr. Speaker.

With cash. Tip super well, with cash.

I actually asked a delivery person what the deal was and he said that if you really want to be a good person, ALWAYS TIP IN CASH. ALWAYS. TIP IN CASH.

What Sanders wants and what he can do are two totally different things. I don’t believe Sanders is capable of effectively enacting policy, not on a national level. He does not have the diplomatic or managerial skills to bring about his proposed progressive reforms. His methods and intractability will mire us in

I so appreciate this breakdown. It’s not pretty but it’s honest. Upthread I was trying to say something fact, I’m always trying to articulate this argument through one metaphor or another but don’t always have the right vocabulary to voice my opinions.