This is Bat Country

What exactly is Lindsay apologizing for? Bringing her personal problems to instagram? If that’s all it is, I kind of want to hug her right now. She has nothing to be sorry for, and I’m glad she’s somewhere safe.

at least once a week i ask thetallbrunette if it’s weird to have stuff dangling between his legs. he has stopped answering me?

Based on how her character has been portrayed in every goddamn promo for Suicide Squad (and the lovely costumes for the women in this cast who aren’t Viola Davis, who are all quite younger than their male co-stars), I’d guess she is not only desensitized to the sexism, but very willing to participate in it as long as



I cannot imagine how uncomfortable I would be as a woman to read an interview that reads like the writer used his boner instead of his pen to write it.

“at least 240 officers left the Dallas police department in the 2015 fiscal year. The department has the budget to hire 200 more people”

It was SUCH a chilling display of abusive gaslighting.... Without me you’re doomed. I am the only one who loves you. You’re too ugly and stupid and far-gone for anyone else out there to give a shit about you. I only beat you because you make me. If you’d just behave and submit quietly, I wouldn’t be forced to treat

I have a hard time believing that anyone is undecided in this election. Democrats need to focus on the importance of getting to the polls and making sure this jackass doesn’t get elected. The only platform they should even have is, "Vote, damnit!"

I also recently had someone tell me that it is not racist when Trump says all Mexicans are rapists and criminals because Mexicans are rapists criminals. When I pointed out that 1) sweeping generalizations about a race or ethnicity is textbook racism and 2) cited studies that show that first generation immigrations

Hell, even pre-9/11 Muslims / people from Arabic countries (the two are often treated as congruent) were replacing Russians as the bad guys in film and TV. If you listened to Serial Season 1 it talks about how anti-Muslim propaganda was used as part of the prosecution’s case, again, pre-9/11. But you’re so right,

My son is 13, but if he were still little you bet he would be getting these. He loved the movie, BTW.

A urologist in my area has, UCME2P. He’s had it for several years.

Kinja’d .. attached image didn’t work...

I had this plate taken away from me 2 years ago. I still miss it. Virginia Jazz League represent!

Meanwhile, in Seattle.

A friend once had a MASSGRL plate. I asked her if she was religious, she laughed and explained she was from Massachusetts. She then went on to tell me about all the creeps who thought it meant “Massage Girl”

A vegetarian lady was denied this plate.

Get out.

I feel like there was a real missed opportunity to deploy “Jury Booty” at least once in this post.