Yeah, I was prepared to find other mean girls and dudes in fedoras defending her but, thankfully, if they are around there aren’t enough of them to be visible.
Yeah, I was prepared to find other mean girls and dudes in fedoras defending her but, thankfully, if they are around there aren’t enough of them to be visible.
I am so so so tempted to link this story to everyone I saw post things on Facebook about how, “Not being bigoted against transgendereds, but I swim at the YMCA and take my kids into the locker rooms! We deserve to be protected from transgendered sickos and men pretending to be women, who will no doubt come into the…
You know all those people who were pissed when the “What’s Your Excuse?” mom was getting a ton of negative feedback for her bullshit?
This is exactly it. The woman was fat so she doesn’t count.
Right click > Save
There really are no words descriptive enough for how awful this person is. Her Facebook account was still active and public yesterday evening and people were there in droves, roasting her. I was really glad that I didn’t see any comments defending her.
LA Fitness (as in Los Angeles, but they’re nation-wide, so of course it doesn’t make any sense). I’m a member of that location, and I’m aghast knowing that little twunt was wandering around doing shit like this. Glad they banned her.
That could be the worst excuse I’ve ever heard. “Yeah, I’m a horrible person, but only my friends are supposed to know that!”
Is Dani Mathers transgendered? Because if so, I’m pretty sure the GOP warned us about this.
There was a dude where I live that got busted taking pictures of a woman undressing to use a tanning bed. Once they got him this first time they discovered dozens of pictures of other victims. Someone should subpoena all her texts, snaps, etc. to see how many more victims this bitch has done this to.
This chick and her ilk are why I am not comfortable working out in public. Or even just existing in public. THANKS FOR THAT
This would get you kicked out of my gym so fast that your head would spin. I’m so glad her gym reacted correctly. F that noise.
“Because I am new to Snapchat, I didn’t realize that not everyone has the same body type, metabolism, and exercise habits as I do, and also that not everyone gets paid to look like a model. I also was unaware that violating another person’s privacy, in an area of utmost privacy such as a locker room (where people are…
I think she should be forced to spend a week at a Japanese or Korean spa where people from ages 3 to 100 scrub up with no body shame and no one gives a shit how you look naked. Get over yourself, lady.
I hope to see charges in this case. I can’t believe she thought this was in any way okay! Imagine if some pervert cut out some kind of Revenge of the Nerds peephole to take pics of LA Fitness clients changing and put them on the Internet. This is the same goddamn thing! She violated that woman’s privacy and…
It’s weird how people think that because it was supposed to be a private exchange, that makes it ok? No, you’re a piece of shit garbage human whether you meant it to be private or not.
“Accidentally”. Where’s that Jennifer Lawrence gif.