This is Bat Country

“1000 people have said they experienced it, but this one person has said they haven’t, therefore the other 1000 are lying” is my favorite. That’s what I’ve been dealing with on the Facebook this week after I finally decided I wouldn’t stay silent while all my friends from my conservative hometown went on their jolly

Well, no, they just want a different type of exploitation of women—you know, keep them barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

My grandma had a stroke a few years ago and she was on Medicare. It was a nightmare anyway. It’s not only the cost, it’s the lack of access to care and the lack of coordination between different doctors and places of care. My mom is currently in Mexico and whereas the healthcare may not be as good, it’s so cheap that

“I’ve never seen it, and believe me I would have because Ailes promised me he would share with me whenever he pressured a young blonde correspondent into sucking his dick.”

That Roger Ailes didn’t show up at the hospital and grab his dick when he was under anesthesia?

Thanks for the input Neil, case closed!

Never mind “fair and balanced”; “I don’t experience it therefore it doesn’t exist” is actually their core philosophy, whether that’s climate change, racism, or sexual harassment.

Take if [sic] from a guy with an illness

What did we expect?

“He demands excellence”

That’s because he doesn’t want you to suck his dick, Neil.

I’ve never seen it. I’ve never witnessed it.

“Take if [sic] from a guy with an illness, these accusations that don’t remotely resemble the Roger that I know...that WE know...are just...sick.”

The statement concluded, hired Fox News goons stopped pinching his morphine drip.

I understood the “or” part.

It had to be explicitly labeled “THIS IS A PARODY.” Because otherwise, there is absolutely nothing on that cover to indicate it.

The real public health crisis is the number of uninsured and how difficult it is for them to get health care.

Make America ‘Bate Again

Man, they did a really good job on the make up for porn parody Donald. Skin tone difference between cheeks and eyes is on point.

But the CDC isn’t even allowed to RESEARCH gun violence, since it’s “not public health related?” What the fuck? In the scale of ‘jerking yourself blind’ to ‘shooting people,’ I think I know which is the greater risk to public health.