This is Bat Country

I feel that “but it’s a sheriff’s star!” will soon enter the internet lexicon alongside “it’s really about ethics in games journalism”

Yeah, the source of the image is dispositive. Maybe the Trump campaign didn’t realize that, but they should have checked before grabbing the image.

I am married to a Jew, Mrs. Court is Jewish. So, see, I have a Jewish lover! The best! She also handles all of our finances and her father is a lawyer dealing mainly with insurance fraud. He’s the best insurance Jew! Mom is a University Professor. She professes the best facts about criminal justice! About how bad

The really mind-gobbling thing is that his staff is apparently hanging out on white supremacist chat boards, just looking to scoop up cool memes for rebroadcast. Is his campaign run by threee homeschooled kids in their mom’s basement? Can’t they afford a graphic designer or two? Was there not one single Jewish person

Ironically, if those who used the #whitegenocide hashtag were, uh, swept from existence- on Twitter that is- it would be a more civilized place.

Why they would release a new one with a circle if it was an innocent piece of microsoft word art...

Even if their intent WASN’T anti-semitism, the Trump people are still fools for using a symbol whose power by association with one group overwhelms its association with any other group.

I don’t think this will make a dent in his core support. Most of those people are holocaust deniers anyway.

I’m not so concerned with the color, but the fact that a majority of sheriff stars have the little globes at the end of the points means that this was not a sheriff’s star.

That’s some really deep and well-thought out policy right there. I had no idea he was a policy wonk.

Now, Dan - no one is saying you’re an antisemite.

To be a sheriff star, wouldn’t it have to be gold or silver?

Of course he can’t be anti-Semitic. I mean, just look at his official policy position on Israel:

Right? I laughed at her “who says I’m white? Who says I support Trump?” Girl, I think it’s a pretty fair bet.

The most hilarious part of all this is that it’s like these Grey’s Anatomy fans don’t even know who Shonda Rhimes is. Like is Shonda really gonna fire Jesse Williams for speaking out about social justice?? That’s about as likely as Donald Trump saying something intelligent. Ain’t gonna happen.

No idea, but I officially volunteer!

My first thought was “when did Tom Hiddleston need backup dancers??”

Someone on the main page is criticizing her for attending and I'm thinking you'd be crazy not to go just for this reason. So much fun to be had! And you get the inside dirt. And there must be alcohol. When I was working I got invites to political parties for people I reeeeeally didn't agree with. I always went. You

Better daycare subsidies wouldn't hurt either.

I’m a nanny that works in a home about 3 miles down the street from this home. I was at the mother’s house, doing laundry and getting together school packets while the kids were at day camp when this happened. Our “family unit” includes the working divorced parents, me, a set of local grandparents, a local aunt and