I live in Texas. The republican women I know mostly don’t work, don’t want to work, and love the lord. It’s not hard for them to reconcile at all.
I live in Texas. The republican women I know mostly don’t work, don’t want to work, and love the lord. It’s not hard for them to reconcile at all.
The pro-Trump feminist also seems to fail to realize that Muslim women and undocumented women are also women. Fiorina’s feminism seems to concern itself with the struggles of a very select group of women (and even so it’s hard to see how she can support Trump).
So now conservatives are trying to appropriate feminism? I guess it’s less offensive than when they try to take credit for ending slavery and passing Civil Rights?
Yeah but there is a huge difference between the two. Cars were designed to transport people and things from point A to point B. Guns were designed to kill things. AR-15's were designed to kill people, specifically. Any comparison between cars and guns is like apples and Q-tips.
I can’t imagine why she’d divorce a prince like him!
You need to pass an aptitude test to get a driver’s license, which then puts you in a database. You need to renew that license periodically. You need to register your car, which is put in a database and also renewed periodically. Your license can be removed for medical reasons.
That’s such a stupid, false equivalency. No, we don’t ban cars, but we highly regulate their use. I would absolutely love it if gun ownership and usage were regulated in the same way.
It’s unbelievable isn’t it. The counter argument is almost always- “I don’t give a fuck, you ain’t taking this away from me”
That’s basically what I said, which somehow he turned into an immigration issue. “The safest thing to do is to not let these people into our country. Clearly their culture doesn’t fit with ours.” (We’re Canadian btw so all of this is just total nonsense.)
I’d rather bang my head repeatedly into a brick wall than argue…
To me completely incoherent. It’s a military grade weapon designed to allow a single troop to kill enemy combatants by the score more effectively than his weapon does. I don’t care that it doesn’t have a burst or full auto selector.
Look, sometimes you need to be able to put down an intruder with maximum prejudice. And when the inevitable Muslim Atheist Vegan take over of the government happens and the purges begin, you’ll need that AR-15 to defend your family against the heavily armored tanks and high-altitude bombers
In a twist, the guy from England attempting to get to Trump now holds the winning ticket!
No one, and I mean no one, has ever made to me a coherent argument as to why some dumbfuck civilian should have the ability to own an assault rifle.
Then stop clinging to them.
Most vets have the same take. The idea of Bubba and Cletus and their pretend-militia of antigovernment whackjobs having military grade weaponry is disturbing as shit. They like to pretend they can take on a tyrannical government with them (fat chance, parity of arms between civvies and the military went out the window…
Sorry to reply twice to your post, but who are these people who live in constant fear of being attacked? I have lived in Chicago, New York, 2 kilometers north of the Syrian border with Turkey, Israel, downtown Atlanta, and I have NEVER BEEN SCARED OF BEING ATTACKED. I am a small woman, now with a 3 year old, and still…
I was enlisted back in the 90s and you didn’t get to touch a weapon outside of tightly controlled circumstances. All ammo was painstakingly accounted for each and every time you went to the rifle range or on guard duty. There was no fucking around. Because an M-16 is a deadly weapon of war. No one, and I mean no one,…
We have one in Tennessee doing an AR-15 giveaway as well. In fact after the Orlando shooting he decided to give away not just one, but TWO! A true public servant, this man.
“With all that’s happening in the world today, I’ve never felt stronger about the importance of the second amendment in protecting our homeland than I do now.”