This is Bat Country

Turns out a close male relative of mine sexually abused another relative of mine back in the seventies (and had gone unpunished). I only learned about this in the early aughts and I was blindsided, horrified, really there are no words to describe the degree to which I was shocked and sickened by the revelation. When I


I’m from Massachusetts, where older folks have portraits of JFK hanging in their kitchens (and in, like, every fucking pub in the city). I didn’t get it for a long time until one day reading about President Obama and suddenly being all “Oh.” So I think I’m going to put a portrait of the President up in my kitchen, and

One cannot give this enough stars.

I’ve lost two jobs solely based on the reporting of my case. I wish I never was good at swimming or had the opportunity to attend Stanford, so maybe the newspapers wouldn’t want to write stories about me.

One needs to recognize the influence that peer pressure and the attitude of having to fit in can have on someone.”

my biggest flaw? i would have to say i’m a stickler for details and a real workaholic!

This surprises me not at all. I’m a big Clinton supporter, but I haven’t put a sign up in my yard. I stopped posting stuff on FB. I rarely, if ever, commented on posts because the hostility was awful. The worst I think was a young woman who called Clinton many names, but capped it off by calling her a cunt. There’s no

I just want to say how awesome it is that our country’s first black president just endorsed our (hopefully) first woman president.

i really think it was a pre-scheduled tweet.

Oh wow, thanks for sharing this.

Stupid auto-correct. That was supposed to be Goddess America, as in America Ferrera is a goddess.

So I don’t know where else to share this, but this tweet, from the liberal filmmaker daughter of the Constitution Party candidate, may be one of the saddest things I’ve ever read, and also explains a lot about why the relative volume of Sanders’s supporters didn’t match up with the votes in the end.

I want to officially endorse your endorsement of President Obama’s endorsement of Hillary.

I love that he waited and that he was classy enough to talk to Sanders today. He’s a class act.

Dear Mr. President, Thank you. I am going to miss you terribly. You done good sir. You handled the hate with immeasurable strength and dignity.

I want to take this time to officially endorse President Obama’s official endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Twitter has really improved this election.