Please. It is very likely that very few competent, intelligent women are willing to work on his campaign and therefore the top staffers are male by default.
Please. It is very likely that very few competent, intelligent women are willing to work on his campaign and therefore the top staffers are male by default.
Can I just say that Trump’s talk of cherishing me is one of the creepiest offers I’ve had all year?
A skull dress and no one checked Hot Topic?
The part that gets me is him women deserve the same pay as men if they do the same quality of work.
Lol when will men realize that I don’t want to be cherished or taken care of? I just want fucking control of my own uterus, for sexual assault victims to be believed, and for my wages to not be lower because I have a vagina.
Okay but check out the editor’s note from the Huffington Post’s article:
No, we’re talking about staffers.
Being in a campaign is so hard that women shouldn’t have to do it. They should focus on the softer things of life. /s
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign, meanwhile, is roughly 10 times the size of Trump’s, but has a near-even ratio of male to female staffers. Fifty-one percent of the 731 staffers on the Clinton campaign payroll are women — the same sex ratio of the United States population.
I’ve ordered about 1/2 dozen pairs over the last 4 or 5 years and have been pretty happy with them (all 6" platform or wedge, open and closed toe).
That skull back dress would make an awesome wedding dress for a certain kind of woman and I feel like I might be that kind of woman.
This seems reasonable. If Trump wants to cherish and protect women, a good first step is keeping them far away from him and his campaign staff.
Amen, friend. Amen.
Yep. It kills me because I really enjoy her acting but she is batshit crazy.
Trick question. The correct answer is:
Exactly. There were well-established abolitionist movements throughout the Americas almost from the beginning of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and in Western Europe for hundreds of years prior to that. It’s frustrating to see many historical figures not held accountable for their behavior simply because the majority…
Excellent points all! And yes, slavery in the U.S. was nowhere near coming to an end. After the cotton gin was invented it wasn’t going to stop unless people stopped buying the cotton. It is a long quote, but I think it is always worth while to revisit Sherman’s statements at the onset of the Civil War:
And even then, it was a very different form of slavery. In ancient times, slavery was a condition usually brought about by being conquered or losing in battle. It was the rule of the lose, you become someone’s slave. That’s just how the game was played, there was no fundamental denial of your humanity, only…
What a saint, granting slaves their freedom after he has literally no possibly earthly use for them.