This is Bat Country

Nah. It’s just the “OMFG OUTRAAAAAAGE!!!!!” folks.

To be honest, Faircloth is a great clothing company name,

You’ve clearly missed your calling!

So this is how things are, nowadays... a person of no particular authority or importance, one who clearly has a political agenda (anti-Democrat/Progressive/anti-female, based on his other posts), and who quite obviously is a PTSD sufferer who has turned to extreme diet and exercise as his addiction of choice in

Many millennia ago, when I was stationed at Travis AFB, I had a bumper sticker that read “ Dick Nixon before he dicks you”

Not to me. I mean Trump and Cruz don’t look close enough to real humans for Uncanny Valley status. Now if we’re comparing them to blob fish or dangerously cheesy corn snacks that’s a different story.

Well, yes, the Republicans in general are really churning out the impostors lately. I’m just wondering specifically about Rubio here.

I would leave his eyebrows alone, but I agree that he needs sideburns. Now lets muss his hair up a bit...there! Much better!

Marco Rubio isn’t bad looking. That’s not his problem for sure.

I did not need to picture that right before bed.

To his credit, he has a much better complexion and less wrinkles.

I have his exact same hairline (kinda fetus-y fivehead thing, with a bad sidepart and just a suggestion of a cowlick), but I wear it much better, I must say. His is a noggin just crying out for burn-sides and a professional eyebrow-plucking.

a leather satchel abandoned by a tourist in the Mojave desert

What are you talking about that’s clearly Sid Meier’s Civilization 2: Nuclear Boogaloo

I don’t know, I think you could make a strong case for Donald Jr.

Eat each other, you sick fucks.

(This is more or less the equivalent of an angsty tween being asked if she’ll still be going to the middle school dance despite the fact she doesn’t have a date, answering with “ugh whatever lame,” and then riding off into the sunset on her Razor scooter.) (Not like I have any personal experience with that one or

Two Northeast caricatures of NY/NJ dudes that much of the party loathes and, for reasons that make little sense, consider liberals?

I hate that I now live in a world that makes me actually respect Marco Rubio. And yet that’s what intense hatred for Donald Drumpf does for me. Hey, Marco, you ride those antagonistic coattails as long as you can! Show off the heels while you’re at it! #AnythingButTrump