This is Bat Country

I was just going to be privately sad about you leaving, but now that I know you read the comments, I can say this to you personally:

It’s true that settling a case doesn’t mean you’re guilty. If you settle a case where you arguably caused a car accident, that doesn’t necessarily mean you really did cause the accident. However, if 50+ additional people also accuse you of hitting them with your car, that’s going to make me think that at the very

No judgment here, just love for my fellow hater.

As far as I know, he actually can read. He totally is in the safe zone! The only asshole here (IMO) is Steve Harvey.

It’s plausible that the whole thing was staged, but I hate Steve Harvey SO MUCH that I reject the conspiracy theory in favor of continuing to laugh at Harvey for being a dumbass. Learn to read, dumbass!

Yeah, you should really stop that, it’s unpleasant to look at. I’m thinking of charging you with something. Maybe arson or loitering or contributing to the delinquency of minors. Doesn’t matter, as long as I charge you with something for looking at me cross-eyed.

“White slavers” refers to people who sell white slaves.

That’s the part I can’t believe. He STILL doesn’t know how bad his movies are. How can he not know?

Yeah, that’s kind of the problem -that the system worked. That’s kind of what people are complaining about, Jeb.

“If there is a grand jury that looks at all the facts and doesn’t indict maybe there’s reasons for that”

I refuse to believe this relationship is real, so that’s how I explain away the relationship-shifting.

For me, the second anyone says “race card” without irony, I know I don’t have to take them seriously. It’s a handy shortcut to weed out conservative idiots, because the idea that a “race card” exists is just ludicrous.

This is a fantastic idea and I hope someone out there is on it.

To confirm his neurosurgical credentials, he will perform brain surgery on live television - ON HIMSELF! He’s just that good.

Memorykid9 is a goddamn national treasure. I think you may be overestimating the value of your own contributions to gawker.

But you’re important enough to be pandered to, so yay?

It sounds like you need to get yourself a digital asshole meter.

Hey, would you mind telling me where your SIL lives? Not because I want to go there and slap the shit out of her, for a different reason. But I can’t tell you what it is.

Your all-caps last question is just perfect. Fact 1: trans kids exist. Fact 2: they need to pee somewhere. Abstractions and hypotheticals are interesting and all, but trans kids exist and need a place to pee, so maybe Christie could just focus on that for a second.

Not to brag or anything, but I can totally find Angola on a map... an unlabeled map. Yes, this is my only contribution to the discussion.