
hey ashley long time fan first time caller how does a guy with 40+ percent in polls have a shitty campaign exactly how does that even make sense lmao

“I didn’t talk to my kids about how to act in front of a policeman when you get stopped” thats a wealth issue, not a race issue, my white identifying dad told me(also white identifying) before i could drive how to act during a traffic stop, hands visible, look forward, no sudden movements, end all answers in sir, be

Pretty sure this is how gawker got taken down, patrick

Silver got lucky in 2012 and you dummies acted like it was a big deal.

Non Hispanic whites only make up 62% of the population. America is a democracy, their opinions don’t Matter, black lives matter though

never watched him throw a single pitch and never will. not why anyone watched sports.

good riddance he was weak

Interesting how liberals can only respond with violence: first the cascade mall shooting and now this

Woke: Mixed gender MMA matches

I don’t think you understand what Anton symbolized

This will change zero opinions

Why is the player’s stats mentioned as if they were relevant to his opinion? Has Kaep even played a down this year?

the pie guy is facing felony charges now, great reporting

Wow so it looks like ISIS is winning

Baseball is a boring white man’s sport, duh

Good to see a government official deliver swift justice for once

Why is Ashley feinberg exposing a security flaw in the trump family? Is this a terroristic threat?

Is there a reason Barry didn’t credit the Tonelee Uh russa interview as coming from stugotz and dan? Didn't deadspin give ESPN shit for not crediting people in articles

link or admit you’re a fool