Saucy Bernays

I used to live in that area. I am VERY familiar with her type.

assuming a very low base pay

Would it make you feel any better to know that the complaint is mostly bullshit? Her, poor, poor, sad, forlorn face at being out for the first time after months in quarantine is an act. They were out at a resort the weekend before. And he complained about that too, that seems to be his shtick.

It’s Mississippi, Jake.

You’re gonna get a lot of shit over that first paragraph. But you’re not wrong.

You just made a bored 8-year-old boy very happy. His father, too. Turns out, we had a velociraptor hiding in our cat’s litterbox. Who knew?

I read and re-read that a bunch of times before I ever saw the movie.

Holy shit. She is! (I mean, less than a year, but still.)

Page Six covered that, too:

She will, once she takes Melania’s place. But she might want to get the $$ up front.

Just wanted to note that I posted that reply (and this) on 7/1/20 at 0927, but the timestamp has it as 11 hours earlier. Time really is different these days!

I’m hardly an expert, but I’ll try to answer. To my knowledge, transwomen do not, but others who identify as non-binary may also menstruate. Some intersex people do, some don’t. There’s not one simple answer.

Gotcha. Agreed on all points.

What? They’ve got a brunette and a bald guy amongst all the blondes. Surely that’s diverse enough?

Would you blame her?

I took you out of the greys because I thought what you had to say should be seen.

No, Frappuccinos are made fresh in a blender, every time. All the ingredients are made fresh every day, too.

Gloria Steinmen? Any relation to famous 70s feminist Gloria Steinem?

That’s because they can’t won’t read. They’ll just do whatever Faux News or their pastor tells them to.

I never knew Lane Bryant had a Pride collection and I’ve shopped there for decades. Even better that they donate to GLSEN, a great organization (and I’m not just saying that because I was friends with the founder in high school.) Thanks for the head’s up!

I never knew Lane Bryant had a Pride collection and I’ve shopped there for decades. Even better that they donate to