Also, the Germans were always perplexed why the the trucks had 1 forward speed and 5 reverse gears.
Also, the Germans were always perplexed why the the trucks had 1 forward speed and 5 reverse gears.
What I do not get it that you for some reason see this as a negative thing.
I don’t know nuthin’ ‘bout lemons and oranges, but I’m giving you a star for the gif.
I can’t stand it! I know you planned it!
It’s just Annie Hall--but with a happy ending. If they’d split at the end, it’d just be... Annie Hall.
Normally I’d agree but I think the ending is perfect. One of the few romantic speeches I actually find romantic. And having them be the final couple in those vignettes made perfect sense.
Whatever you say, Don Jr.
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
You sold your soul; part of the deal is having to put up with the patriots around you lamenting the fact that someone would do such a terrible thing to their own country as elect the current president.
I only made my comment because Trump-loving “snowflakes” were whining that someone could possibly not be proud of the dipshit, racist conman-in-chief. (And if you want to see some real crying like a little girl, take a look at your cult leader’s Twitter sometime and see how much he whines about things like how…
I just want to chime in and say I think it’s perfectly OK to be ashamed about having a bigoted idiot president with bigoted, idiotic policies, and to be ashamed that something like 40% of the country is bigoted and/or idiotic enough to support him. I wasn’t going to comment on it, but when I saw two other comments…
Unpack and put shit away in a hotel room? What are y’all, Rockefellers?
True--I should have specified that I meant the language about having “one for each sex” part. Bathrooms in general, I’m for it too.
I like this idea best. Put the signs on a spinner so that patrons can flick them around while they wait.
Yep this, there should be no such thing as “one of those on-the-books rules that is selectively enforced depending on the day and the establishment.” That’s a rule that should just go away.
conservatives have fully given up the right to call anyone a snowflake.
Can we talk about the bigger issue regarding gendered restrooms?
Some of my “mainstream” grocery stores (Von’s? Ralph’s? Can’t remember) sell their chickens in these bags already. I had no idea that WF, of all places, still used the wasteful clamshells.
I love that the unpaid intern who typed that slip of paper up apparently forgot within the space of a four words that W call signs are east of the Mississippi and K call signs are west.