
There’s a Polish restaurant near me that makes something very similar to this. And yes, you do need it. Everybody needs it. It’s flipping genius. (I’d call the Polish version more of a “mince” than a “grate” but do whatever works for you.)

Hey... I have eggs and ham at home. _I_ need this. And the grocery is closer

I disagree. If you take people’s money and get on stage, that’s a finished product. (And since she was prepared to take a poke at it, I suspect Zamata might see it kind of this way too.)

I appreciate what you’re saying that it’s not a _final_ product compared to a special or an album, and should be held to a different

Admittedly it’s been more than a decade since I was in McCarran, but I thought it was just about the saddest thing I’d seen. I was there to catch a red-eye, so nobody was at their best, but I saw a lot of folks clinging to the very last second of their drunken loud vacations, a lot of folks who had obviously blown

Sometimes I bake bacon on a rack, which lets the grease drip off. Sometimes I don’t, because it’s not that big a deal to me and I’m not convinced one version tastes better than the other.

Yes yes yes. And it’s so much more forgiving than pan-fried; the oven gives you a much larger window between “done” and “perfect” and “ya burnt it.”

Plus I recently discovered (on this site I think) that in the oven, it’s real easy to sprinkle on some brown sugar and pepper and make a candied pepper bacon...

Come on, iOS, catch up to Android on that Do Not Disturb trick. I’ll take the app notifications if I can just silence the phone and messages. My contacts list already is the whitelist for what gets answered; it’s a simple dang rule to automate.

Problem is, you’ll probably invite some friend over who doesn’t know you’re a jerk, and poison them too. So the net impact on the gene pool is balanced (or, depending on how you’re feeling about humanity, negative).

Agreed. Also, honestly, there are some of these flavors I’d have bought more of in smaller containers. “Biscuits and gravy” was remarkable (like a sage-and-butter flavored chip with just a little meatiness) but got really heavy after half a bag.

More stars. All the stars. Crab chips are supposed to be a heavy-handed reminder of where I’m from and who I love. A “restrained” crab chip sounds like a cruel reminder that I’m far from there.

I mean, I’ll probably eat a bunch of them though, ‘cause Herr’s (and the superior Utz) don’t reliably distribute out here.

Seems like the logical conclusion is that beer should ONLY be served in flight-size glasses. Think of all that UV and oxygen damage being done to the last half of your pint!

(Actually, I had a friend who ordered half-pints for almost exactly that reason. I kind of called her out on it, and she pointed out that, when I

I noticed a quantum improvement in my cornbread when I started using buttermilk instead of whole milk (and the old family recipe from Uncle/Aunt Jiffy). I’ll have to give that 2 eggs trick a try too.

Wow. That’s a really good piece of writing right there, though I’m sorry for your experience.

We used to have fondue parties in college, using our Hot Pots as cooking vessels. (We also wore onions in our belts, which was the style at the time.) It’s a fine way to get together for a snack made of cheap cheese and cheaper wine. But precisely because of that, I’ve never quite understood how Melting Pot gets away

And if you’ve missed UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski’s victory lap in the media, you’ve got to check it out. Pointing out how amazingly successful UMBC has been at retaining and graduating students of color with a fraction of UVa’s history and resources. He even name-checked Mister Jefferson and all the “years of

I liked the Rye Pale Ale, pictured. I wonder if the Golden Ale is the same as what’s being sold as Blonde American Lager; it’s a pretty nice version of the style. They have a Nitro IPA which I thought was very good, and an Irish Wheat which, while the name confused me, was a perfectly serviceable wheat beer.

But at

I was, not that long ago, suggesting the need for a cooking show using the song-timing gimmick from Hudson Hawk, and here, with your Replacements reference, you have stolen, updated, and improved my idea. Well played.

This isn’t just sci-fi. There are real moves afoot to get governments to stop issuing large denomination bills in popular currencies, precisely because it’s so much easier to move smaller piles of paper.

But then there are real problems for folks who don’t have good access to bank accounts, smart phones, and reasonable

In America, it’s not uncommon for a “side of fries” to be enough food for 3, maybe 4 more meals. We used to have “doggy-bags” but now we have “starving pack of wolves-wheelbarrows” for our leftovers. You’re right of course that we could just throw them out, but honestly, we’d give ourselves hernias trying to get them

Regarding other celebrity recipes, look for Robert Redford’s black bean and lamb chili. It’s the dish which woke me up to the importance of acidity in chili (played by lime juice in his recipe). It was released in a Paul Newman cookbook and I saw it republished in the Washington Post, sometime in the ‘90s, I think.


Quick question - up above you said “an hour away from York”; here you say “20 miles”. Does that reflect UK roads and driving speeds? Just trying to get my bearings.

Because I gotta say, out here in rural America, I’d love to have another white-tablecloth establishment within 20 miles, and the half-hour drive to get