Pretty sure no Gunnery Sergeant has ever addressed a subordinate as "Soldier."
Pretty sure no Gunnery Sergeant has ever addressed a subordinate as "Soldier."
Sounds like the issue with the show is that it's reasonably realistic.
You don't need the head of all science in Japan to read it personally.
This Heisenberg Device stuff is nonsense. They would have known how to build it, even if they had difficulty obtaining fissile material in sufficient quantity.
For people who last week obliterated the Shogun of Japan, they're suddenly pretty concerned about timeline integrity.
Remember that a major premise of this show was: the world is ending; get to Mexico!
A parol contract for the sale of land is within the statute of frauds and totally unenforceable in Texas.
I disagree. It's for her own good.
One usually frowns on subjecting women to invasive, nonconsensual behavior-modification surgeries, but in this case it seems like just what the doctor ordered.
This is also plausible.
Assuming the truth of reports that ending Banshee after this season was a creative decision, the writers must have decided that, while the show might have gone on without suffering for lack of content, it could at no other time have ended so well as it does now.
Gordon's reaction to Bruce's admonition that he's not a cop anymore is the summit that will shadow the remainder of Ben McKenzie's acting career.
I can see why Morse and Hunter are apparently in line for a spinoff.
A good first occupant for Morgan's cell would be Morgan himself…
That conclusion to Denise's rant was far more satisfying than I anticipated.
I think the "Do you still want me" line is correctly understood as a challenge intended by the character to conceal the vulnerability inherent in the reveal.
I guess we shouldn't forget that (iirc, because it seems almost too ridiculous) the show once revived a character whose head it had apparently previously put in a box.
At this point I am inclined to say that this is the best season of a comic show yet to air on TV, but what is up with Foggy being such a goddamn downer all the time?
The Batwing is certainly worth far more than $60m if you compare it to the R&D included costs of modern military airframes, to which it is apparently superior.
Well, Prison Break wasn't even an obvious candidate for a second season.