It would be nice if Carl losing an eye in part because he didn't kill that stupid kid earlier brings him back to his season 3 way of thinking.
It would be nice if Carl losing an eye in part because he didn't kill that stupid kid earlier brings him back to his season 3 way of thinking.
Killing someone who is in the process of kidnapping and robbing you is not murder.
Good cover in the Soviet Union: "investor." Better than "venture capitalist," I guess.
Is there some reason not to kill Lordes?
You're quite right, but I find popular cluelessness (and clueless hysteria) about nuclear physics to be pretty compelling.
Alpha particles have been detectable since like what, 1900? (Not that they travel very far anyway.)
It's plausible that there might be variation based on available resources and personnel. Spears and axes take a lot less steel than a sword of any reasonable quality, and smaller fighters like the Widow's girls would presumably require lighter weapons.
This hadn't really occurred to me before but ITB is a lot like the first six episode "season" of TWD, in that it's a cool premise with good production values and basically everyone on the show is a marionette whose behavior is dictated by arcane nuances of the plot.
I have a much easier time understanding why Matilda's behavior makes sense for the show than for her character.
How much longer must we endure this infuriating redhead for?
Imagine a black character who had no role except to be constantly shown up by a white guy. Bam, black Gallanger and accordant outrage.
Possibly the most plausible female behavior seen on TV.
As satisfying as it was finally to see Gallanger strike back against the minorities who have been terrorizing him ever since the show began, wouldn't it have been funnier if he had somehow arranged for that black guy to be sterilized?
Did anyone not see the "Darth Vader killed your father" turn coming?
What to do if you can do whatever you want: whatever anyone tells you.
One thing to be said for Supergirl:
I'm not sure how much of this is totally subjective, but the fight scenes here are stylized in a way that makes them look silly and fake to me, in contrast to something like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, where even greater stylization tended to show effortless grace.
I mean, the pretty obvious course of action for her given her goals as you stated them is to render permanently inoperable Kilgrave's vocal apparatus. She is entirely capable of this, but instead opts for a single piece of tape across his mouth.
All her efforts end in failure due to the occurrence of events she is capable of preventing, like being overpowered by a rabble of idiots who immediately release her poorly-secured ultra-dangerous captive.
PG-10 would be more accurate. PG-13 without the edge. By aggressive I meant committed to not exceeding the rating.