
It's also totally bizarre that the show would structure the debate as to killing a wholly-inhuman zombie as between Liv's idiotic boss's don't kill because either useful experiment or intrinsically valuable person and Liv's (hitman brain) what if it hurt someone views.

Rob Thomas's imprint on this show is totally obvious and yet it somehow manages to seem so much more naive than Veronica Mars.

And the whole "don't say 'no'" thing goes for basically every person who shows up in a politician's office (or gets them on the phone or etc.) — not just ludicrous rich guys.

For a show that always gets its political stuff either over the top or just goofy, Eli's speech to Alicia about "I'm listening" is 100% correct and something any staffer can confirm is heard hundreds of times a year.

If you don't understand why it's ridiculous to think that the Grimes crew should consent to being unarmed in Alexandria, imagine this:

And they're laying down wisdom while they're at it! "Something's going to happen; just don't make something happen."

It obviously also bears mentioning that if people can hunt whales to extinction, they should be able materially to reduce the number of zombies in a given locality.

Why did the show go to such lengths to turn Carl, who quite logically executed a fleeing enemy (and verbally destroyed his idiot father), into his idiot father (and his idiot father into what he used to be)?

So like, principally, this show is about black women confronting mental illness, and mentally ill black women confronting (or assaulting from behind) law enforcement officers.

It seems to me that the failed ("I never miss") beheading was meant to be an insult.

Hah, Darryl giving up the gun.

World ending: Women and minorities hardest hit.

You mean by thinking, zoning out while staring at a picture?

Sure. Like the one perennially involved in affairs of honor? Or maybe the "Tree of Liberty" guy?

Reasonable or not that assumption is particular to liberals.

Including zombies and cannibal cults, apparently.

Carl is really the only one who knows what he's doing, so it's nice to see him on screen again.

Sorry, you're against violence as a solution to zombies?

They're giving up their guns again?? How stupid are these people. It's the apocalypse. You need your guns.

Season 2 wasn't as strong as it might have been, and I think this was really a structural issue rather than a narrative one. Katrina's denouement should have been developed over more than 2 or 3 episodes (you might say it was hinted at earlier, but it was really more Ichabod relationship drama, I think), and, e.g.,