Thijs van Houwelingen

If it meant that, it would mean taking away that which allows them to grow to noticeable size—which, in this analogy, is essentially the human body and its physiological processes. Treatment in my eyes would involve localizing the tumor (letting it express itself), then blasting it with a ray of reason (expressing

I also preferred that, yet that doesn't mean they didn't exist before.

But those many places on the internet are the exact reason why we need to be able to hear these viewpoints offline. And call it optimism (not something I generally feel), but I attribute these unmovable opinions on both sides of the divide to an angry tide that currently washes over humanity—one that is part of the

But wouldn't you say that to root out this 'evil', we need to know what it constitutes and who is saying it, and how they're saying it, and, especially: who is influenced by it? By pushing it away we are allowing it to fester elsewhere I think, in places less visible and in ways and forms more difficult to assess.

By not letting morally abject people speak we are driving them and their ideas underground, which makes the title of his cancelled book all the more appropriate. His particular type of drivel needs to be out there with all the other crap, and anyone keeping him from speaking at public events is contributing to a

Is that really what you think've it?


I couldn't agree more with the sentiment of this article

"The sparse book details 75 magical animals with a forward by Albus Dumbledore […]"

Next up: "Why some guy who's vaguely famous yet completely uninteresting hates some song that we've all long since gotten over."

What a sad, unfunny interview with a "comedian", with sad leading questions, and a sad hatred of something long dead. And this is not even a Sublime fan speaking. Well below AV Club standards IMHO.

Uh, okay Godwin Guy, on the train to Grammar Camp with you.

Uh, okay Godwin Guy, on the train to Grammar Camp with you.

"Neither Take-Two Interactive nor Rockstar Games has yet to comment on the lawsuit, […]"