
The quickness with which the talking point became “BUT HES A CRIMINAL” was unsurprising, but disgusting. We see them, the people who secretly approve of young black men being executed in our streets - they extend their bigoted claws to desperately grab any flimsy justification offered by others with similarly

Sebastian Gorka tried and failed to establish a right-wing political party of his own in Hungary. But since moving to the United States he and his wife have been much more successful establishing themselves as a joint political force. In July 2016, Sebastian said that Trump had been reaching out to him privately for

Tangentially related, I’m still waiting on my check from all the ‘paid protesting’ I’ve been doing. Who the hell do we file our complaints with? Is our Paid Protester HR Department equally fake?

They likely aren’t real reporters from real news agencies. They’re probably plants. Trump has a coterie of cheerleaders that he pays to follow him around.

This country is so fucked. These morons are cheering their own destruction.

I don’t have anything super articulate to add here, just wanted to say that Bamford is the best and that everyone needs to watch Lady Dynamite on Netflix.

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.

This is so deliciously good.

Sorry if I come off as humble-bragging; you are right that it’s unbecoming. I should maybe add that 1) in my field, degrees don’t count for much, especially when one (set) of them is from your home country and not valued in your current one, 2) because of that, I’m playing a lot of catch-up, and 3) when I finish

Crayola has been a tremendous company, they’re doing wonderful things, and you look at what they’re doing with the yellows, and you look at what they’re doing in terms of...of...reds and so many other things. And you ask yourself, how are they doing this? They have the sharpener, and let me be clear that’s where the

I’m embarrassed that the only lasting thought I had about this press conference was, “BUTTON YOUR FUCKING JACKET, YOU SLOB!”

It’s a matter of record he likes them cooked dry. When wondering about any Trumpian dilemma, just ask yourself “What would a tacky, uncultured fucking imbecile do?” and there’s your answer.

I Feel like this gif will not be not applicable anytime soon

I’m not for shaming other people’s appearances, but it’s definitely some high-level white privilege bullshit that have convinced a whole lot of people that a goddess like Michelle Obama looks like a “dude” and David Duke/Bannon/Trump represent some genetic superiority.

The funniest/saddest thing is THAT’S WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON!!!

Stay gold, thunderbae.

It’s crazy! Republicans have been trying to ‘run goverment like it’s a business’ FOR YEARS AND ALL WE GET IS GOVERNMENT THAT DOESN’T WORK. Which, obviously, is their intention. So they can go back to their constituents and say, ‘See? See? Government doesn’t work, we gotta run it like a business!’