They got the wong house

it’s like the articles write themselves and the Cardinals’ haters make the Kleenex stock soar. Basically it was done with 500 days of Kristen which was fresh and original, this may seem like it’s cool but it’s way more like a sweaty and frustrated Will Sasso in drop dead gorgeous.

we should coing ‘ole rog’ as a new expression for taking a shit.

Unable to come up with anything to do that night, Bruce turned on his Miller lite and was down for anything after that.

The clairvoyant one?

what if you have no ass, does this change anything? asking for a friend


..............................thanks Obama :-/

sammy hagar!

Besides the first, which cut is the deepest?

Dude, bj’s are way better than anything. But, I am biased being a Cardinals fan an all. Cheers!

I knew Samer would write if the cards won.... He was so ready to hit send on that loss, he couldn’t break his little bitch fingers heart, so he swallowed (something) it up and said to those little bitch fingers, lets just count it and get to making more knuckle childs

no need to yell.

Ya know St. Louis is trying to get a MLS team and the only money they can find is from Kroenke, luckily we haven’t bit just yet.

after the law enforcement career doesn’t pan out

There you go figureing away ya little figurerererer

it’s impressive that Florida is able to get off

Just Sa(a)d(a)

Finnegan begins again, provides the win.

Samer and I were done long before this headline.

I just think maybe they didn’t know how to handle their high, freaked the fuck out that one time, because they thought if they stopped thinking about breathing then they would forget to and die....Sometimes Mary doesn’t make the best first impression and looks like were just going to have to wait for most of the baby