
In college, some friends and I use to quote Episode 51: Piledriver constantly. (That & the Pod People episode of MST3K.)

"If I had hands and you had a neck, I would squeeze your brain, which is your body, through the top of your head, which does not exist."

Hey now. Fastball wasn't a one-hit wonder. They had three hits on that album. I still really like "Out Of My Head," actually.

"The Anthem" really is insanely catchy stuff. Great pop-punk song with a seriously tremendous hook.

I'd argue the opposite about hip hop actually. I'd say there are maybe 0 truly "timeless hip-hop albums from the 90s. It's a tough call since hip-hop (like every other kind of music besides "alternative" in the 90s) had such a narrow definition. I.e.Tony Toni Tone was hip hop, Dr. Dre was rap. Bel Biv Devoe was, but