
I just finished The Finder Library volume one. The only time I got lost is when I carelessly skimmed a couple of panels and missed a transition. Don't do this. McNeil frequently uses a panel or two to transition between different parts of the story and/or place them in the wider narrative.

Tropes are an expression of agency, of the decisions made in the writing process. The question of having it "both way" doesn't ever get off the ground because our agency and social forces have never been separate. Our social environment is made up of people making decisions which constitute what happens within it.

Intention or rationale isn't agency. It's merely what someone thinks they are doing by taking a decision. Someone can stab a person repeatedly with the intuition of making them laugh. Doesn't change that their act of agency, what the want and planned to do, will injure or kill the person being stabbed.

This is misreading of post-structalist media critique. Our agency is always involved in the production of representations. In this situation, with respect to the portrayal of gay character and their relationships, it was the story he wanted to tell, his use of agency, his storying telling choice, that was the problem.

Oh wow… I went and looked at the excerpts on McNeill's website. Looks just like my sort of thing. Even in the fifteen page excerpts, I get the sense the narrative jumps about between characters and narratives. I managed to follow them well after the initial shock of a jump to somewhere else, so that bodes well. I'll

Or he might just be attracted to her otherwise. People are not just their genitals. He might even be find with her genitals except in the context of giving oral sex.

I'd like to know more before I comment on the transphobia and racism. From that I can only tell that he's guilty of supporting action that favours giving a platform to shallow and ugly transphobia that we really ought to be past by now. I pretty sympathetic no platforming of Greer with respect to her transphobia. We

Depends whether the categories they are using are transphobic.

Which radical feminist response? What are they talking about?

I have a vague memory of an incident like that. I think I was, at some point, involved pointing out how you hadn't understood an issue which was being spoken about. Given that, I'm rather skeptical of you reading here.

I don't have a problem with calling transphobia monstrous.

I would have politely asked them to move aside so I could get past. In that situation, there is no male entitlement to get stuck arguing over.

Not so much. Most of the time (at least that I saw of his posts) he just talked about a relationship of their behaviour to society which they did not understand. Rather than misconstruing arguments, he tended to speak about an obscured values or understanding. Of course, he did sort of hinder matters by speaking in a

There is a large difference between specifically calling a rich white guy a "thug" and using to refer to black people. One can hardly misread an a direct insult to a rich white guy as talking about the inferior black race. The two situations are not the same. Language means different things in those instances.

The entitlement is a question of what's considered important about the instance of harassment. In thinking in terms of how the harassed can be morally resolved or better, consideration of the victim is left out. Harassment is understood in terms of just how valuable the harasser can be in the future (by doing

I think you are approaching this from the wrong angle. There is no "next step" which can undo what has already happened. He isn't entitled to anyone thinking he is such a great guy because of what he does (or doesn't do in the future). For me, the approach you are using here carries an undertone of entitlement to

I vaguely remember having trouble with a Bodhi fight at least once. The details to too sketchy to remember if I had a problem with level drain though.

I've only got vague memories of playing Baldur's Gate 2 and all I can remember for level drain is, I think, vampires.

a galaxy?

I'd say the attack was too soft. CoreConcept was acting like they were entitled to any women making decisions such that they were in a form most beautiful to them.