A white guy who claimed to be black. In other words, an attention-seeking liar.
A white guy who claimed to be black. In other words, an attention-seeking liar.
One of the group’s leaders is a white guy who claimed to be black but got outed. I don’t even have a joke here.
Not only is this incredibly misleading but it is horrible advice. This is far from a protein powder and even moderate priced protein powders are some of the cheapest forms of protein available.
No, a REAL alternative to buying expensive protein at your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe is to buy whey protein in bulk from venders like Bulk Supplements or Powder City. Because they’re generic protein powders with no brand name they don’t cost as much but they’re of the exact same quality if not higher. They all come…
this is not good. as a vegetarian, I also concur w/ the other comment-ers that this ISN’T protein powder. This is just carbs w/ a higher amount of protein than usual. Also, I don’t understand why you would eat uncooked dried legumes and other grains....no one ever suggests adding uncooked wheat flour - which would be…
Sounds like stomach wrenching carb powder. You may as well just put jerky into a coffee grinder and add that to your smoothie. At least you will be getting a lot more protein...
I pay $65 for a 72-scoop tub of really great whey powder (Gold Standard Natural). That’s about 90 cents for 24g protein and no sucralose or other weird additives. I think it’s a great bang for the buck when you add the convenience of a shake. The trick is to buy large tubs, not little ones. Comes out cheaper than…
This is not “protein powder”. This is ground up legumes. It’s got more carbs in it than it does protein. Also eating raw lentils and raw rice is extremely problematical for a lot of people. They can actually interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. This article really needs to be removed. It’s completely and…
Rabbits have a thing for all race cars.
The video itself is interesting enough, I won’t deny that. But you promote it like it’s a bloody FOX NEWS article.. Why not make this a story about what it actually is? It’s some asshole destroying a nice car. This IS a car blog/site right?
Really? I know Jalopnik is part of the gawkerwerse.. but this type of Clickbaity shit? Really?
You’re better off buying off one of the routers recommended from Wirecutter.
You’re better off buying off one of the routers recommended from Wirecutter.
Can this video please go viral? It would be nice to have more positive news involving police activity. Especially since it covers the non-criminal related work they do every single day.
1) Stop having kids you selfish bastards.
Tip #1: Leave your toddler at home.
It looks like one big tampon commercial.