
If I’m so wrong it should be easy for someone as smart as you to destroy my point in a couple sentences, shouldn’t it? The way you dismiss me without any response and then throw in a couple insults makes me think you might be a stupid idiot. Please prove me wrong.

Say “yes”, “no” or kindly fuck off. Is that it? Am I getting good at the gawker snark?

Because the Shia led Iraqi government created Shia deathsquads to ethically cleanse the Sunni population. This was the famous 2007 “surge”

The Sunni Shia divide has been happening for a long time. The wars in Iraq is essentially a proxy war between Sunni states like Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Shia states like Iran.

Is everyone in ISIS a brainwashed cult member or it is only teenage girls from the West?

Did you feel any sympathy when the mastermind behind the Paris was killed? He screwed up, and paid for it with his life! Somehow I doubt you will be as sympathetic to him as you are to this girl.

You also have to remember why Sunni Muslims in Iraq support ISIS instead of their Shia led government.

Wow. You sure convinced me with your substance free rationale! The insult at the end was the cherry on the top of your embarrassing response.

Your teenage hipster snark is annoying and cliche.

ISIS became powerful in large part because the Shia Muslims in Iraq have been fucking over the Sunnis since 2003. The Shia deathsquads created by the United States in `the surge`went on a brutal rampage and made ordinary people sympathetic to ISIS.

Isn’t it better to alert the authorities than to wish for someone to die?

I’m asking for opinions of when people are no longer “super impressionable children”.

Lots of people deal in absolutes. Including a lot of people on this very site.

Sure. The United States attacked Vietnam because they thought those who have a different political ideology than they did should die.

I’m shocked that you won’t answer the question /s.

Hmmm. So MRA are victims? Frankly, I find it sickening how you victim blame MRAs.

I was referring to the people in Iraq and Syria.

ISIS is really theatrical in their bloodlust. In contrast when the United States blows up a hospital they pretend it was an innocent mistake.

Good for him!

I don’t appreciate victim blaming in my safe space.