
That must be some pretty intense social anxiety if its so bad that you can’t spend two minutes filling it out and dropping it in the mailbox.

She sounds like a college student who has encountered a viewpoint different than her own and has to run off to her “safe space” filled with puppies and pillows.

The bitter women on here seem to get some kick out of insulting a man for his physical appearance.

Body shaming is not nice.

Nader didn’t cost Gore the election. Read up on it, idiot.

I don’t think that’s true. You incorrectly assume all Nader voters would have voted for Gore if Nader didn’t run.

He criticized a woman. Therefore he is a sexist. Welcome to Gawker.

If you vote for the lesser of two evils you will always be ruled by evil.

You’ve missed the point. Too many Democrats are willing to put with the same corporate friendly bullshit as before as long as it’s brought to them by an underrepresented group. Obama has expanded the drone wars and waged a war on whistle blowers, etc. But it’s okay because he’s black!

Gore wouldn’t have invaded Iraq. He would have killed children with drones like Obama.

Why do you think Gore was entitled to Nader’s votes?

Why do Democrats think they are entitled to Nader’s votes? Maybe they should have asked themselves why people chose Nader over Gore.

I’m still struggling with how, exactly, a vote for Nader was the same as a vote for Bush. Why, exactly, did Democrats think they were entitled to the votes for Nader? They should ask why people chose to vote for Nader instead or Gore, instead of arrogantly assuming they were entitled to those votes.

The Republicans and Democrats agree with each other much more than they disagree. They both agree that they take their orders from corporations and will do whatever they can to help their corporate buddies while fucking over the American people.

I didn’t ask whether there were some differences between the Republicans and Democrats. I asked whether there was a bigger difference between Bush and Gore or between Gore and Nader.

Interesting story. He clearly didn’t think much of the firm you were about to work for but what’s the alternative? He could have lied or he could have been honest about how he really felt. The analogy isn’t perfect, but let’s say you graduate law school and were about to work for an organization that advocates gun

The who man runs against the two corporate-controlled parties is responsible for the corporate control of our economy? Cool story, bro. You don’t make any sense but I’m sure you will dismiss views critical of your opinion since this is your safe space and all.

I’m amazed how you can come to such a detailed theory about his personal life from reading a few of his books and hearing him speak. He’s been asked why he’s never married many times before and the answer he always gives is that he’s too committed to his activism to be able to devote enough time to a wife. That might

You’re blaming Ralph Nader for the Iraq War? With all due respect, go fuck yourself. Blame Bush and Cheney, blame the courts, blame the butterfly ballot, blame Gore’s shitty campaign, blame the American people, blame the media. Don’t blame the man who is a thousand times more progressive than Al Gore.

He’s far more progressive than any of the corporate whores in the Democratic Party.