
No trunk, hence the need for a luggage rack.

I had a discussion with a DTE employee a couple of years ago asking what he thought would happen if the majority of vehicles on the road were electric and he stated that the entire electrical grid in the U.S. would self destruct due to age and inefficiency. While electric seems like a good idea I think FHEV and PHEV

I don’t hate Toyota I just don’t get it. Doug, you talk about your dad having cars for 10 years and yet many people I know have had all kinds of cars for 15 and 20 years. I am old enough to remember when the Japanese cars sold themselves on the fact that Detroit only made large gas guzzling land barges. The people who

Holy crap my Dad had a second family in Tulsa???!!!

No problem. I’m a sleepy this morning.

This does nothing for America being Mercedes is in Germany where they have socialized medical and labor unions.

1. How do you figure Ford and GM are in trouble?

My wife had a 1981 Escort Wagon from college. Her dad bought it used in 88 with 87K on it and gave it to her. I put brakes, tires, exhaust, water pump and a timing belt on it. A tube under the engine for the heater rotted later. Other than that it ran and ran. One day she comes home and I noticed it was sitting funny.

It is in fact due to demand. Small truck sales world wide didn’t equal the capacity of a plant producing full size trucks. The majority of truck buyers buy big trucks because they use them. There will always be people who think their vehicle reflects their persona. People who want small utility are now buying small

First off I must say good on ya for trying.

Start stop isn’t really that expensive to add.

We got my mom a car through the dealer for a negotiated price and interest rate then refinanced through our credit union for a lot lower interest rate. No penalties, but this could vary based on dealer and or state. Make sure you read the agreement be fore signing.

Thank you for spending your education money here. And also for leaving.

We may have pot holes but I just got back from Southern Arizona and the expansion joints every 10 feet drove me nuts. I can dodge or even avoid pot holes but when every road is like driving over speed bumps every 10 feet I would rather walk.

Yes but cars have heaters and I learned to drift the family station wagon when I was 8 from my father taking me to snow covered industrial parking lots and letting me go nuts.

I never understood why the skipper or professor couldn’t figure out how to take the wood from the upper deck to fix the holes in the hull.

I had a 1972 Cadillac Sedan Deville that took up all 20 feet of my garage. I needed to park it just so and get the bumper guards between the back wall studs so the door would close.

So you only put 10,000 miles a year on it. Living in Colorado that seems really low.

If you ever get too old to hoon you have indeed become old.