
Old gods aren't the ones with all the rules

Dollars to donuts Arya is playing him
Dollars to fucking donuts

Uh yeah

No, but she did wind up tricking that girl who was already a faceless man

She knows that, if you know that the girl who trained with the faceless men sure as shit knows that
It's not a great plan either. Obviously the lannisters made her write that scroll 6 years ago when she was a child

Because they don't let just anyone ride them

My mom had my little brother when she was 43 and he's like 8 inches taller than me and well adjusted

Oh Lodos
Crazy old son of a bitch

That is what Arya wants him to think

That's when she's put a ring on it

He did sneer at that weirwood last season

I think she wants a temporary cease fire so actually wanted to hear the proposal

Then she insisted Jamie betrayed her.
He didn't know where Bronn was leading him, and he went right to Cersei after

If Qyburn were book Qyburn maybe Bronn could have become a Prince of Dorne in one move, he'd have his castle and his um uh bad pussy and everything

I accidentally snuck into the Tower of London while high on mushrooms

I wanna destroy passer by

What was before disqus will continue to be

The avocado features more Werdup than you can handle

Predator again

Well that goes without saying I think