
The NWO’s lack of a “real” comeuppance is the ultimate proof that WCW’s creative didn’t know how to book shit (among multiple other examples.) No matter how much people say they like “anti heroes” and “shades of grey” EVERYONE wants to see the bad guys eventually get theirs. Flair along with WCW’s mainstays should’ve

I think the way they lost has more to do than losing. Without Faker it’s very conceivable that Misfits or RNGU could’ve taken out SKT. Dropping 3-0 in the finals even though you played your ass off has got to be soul crushing. You’re doing your best, where the hell is your team?

He wasn’t the host of that episode. John Goodman was.

Dan Aykroyd pushed for them to be on the show (which is why he introduced them)

Netflix doesn’t care to build a narrative though. While their current Narrative (with Netflix being some bastion of good taste and a stick-it-to-the-man alternative to traditional TV) is certainly a positive it’s also something they don’t care to curate. Because the business of Netflix has ALWAYS been about quantity

Probably more importantly it looks like she can steal/copy summoner spells nearby enemies have just used.

No Shitstorm episodes? Please...


While I agree for the most part that RE as a series is more thriller than horror one of the scariest game moment for me is in Resident Evil 2 when you open a room and giant fucking moth is just sitting right there. As someone who hates moths I switched to my Inventory, equipped the flamethrower and burned that fucker

Probably to do with something with SAG or whatnot. Zyzzyx Road famously had to do this in order to get around SAG.

I use to play a Quake 2 mod called Action Quake 2. Pretty obsessed with it, the game tried to emulate action movies by having some “real world” elements (limb damage and head shots, real world guns) but some more fantastical elements, like the general way physics work in Quake 2.

Or not

I actually find it really difficult to “be a dick” in Dominion and I say this as someone who loves being a dick in board/card games. Maybe newer expansions allow for greater opportunities in dickery but there’s so little interaction in that game and usually it’s best to stay out of each other’s way rather than

I mean, no, not really. They’re both aiming at the lowest common denominator, just one knows it can get away with making it on the cheap.

Balor needed the win more than AJ and Styles probably knew that, not that I’d imagine he’d complain anyway

Not really, even if you disagree he’s still in a top 5 discussion and people can reasonably chalk it up to personal preference. This isn’t like saying Roman is the best wrestler in the world

There’s a few things going on here

The answer is obvious: it needed more Mike Myers

If single release dates are “negligible” then why even release singles and probably more importantly why even release a single 2 years after an album dropped?

I just wanted to cut off some asshole from saying “well ACTUALLY the best wrestling game is..” when all of them are nearly identical and really boils down to roster/meaningless features