
I swear, I wish I could smack everyone who told me that seriously. once you get over 110, it doesn’t matter, it’s fucking hot. It’s actually kinda cool today, but it was ~115 when I went home yesterday.

Because due process is a right that the government can not arbitrarily take away. That is like Trump saying he is never wrong so there is no need for the right of free press to fact check [his bullshit].

As a Texan I totally agree. I hope and pray for summer days under 100, of course with the humidity added to it, it may only be 102 but it feels like 115. And with high humidity your sweat no longer evaporates to cool you off.  I know there have been some days when its so hot and humid its even hard to breathe because

It’s funny hearing what counts as a heatwave where. I was in the UK last week. It hit 80 degrees in Brighton and that was considered a heat wave. It hit 95 in London which to be fair is really damn hot if you don’t have AC. In Scotland the mid-70's was part of this heat wave.

While it speaks well to the E28's build quality, it’s also a reminder that the Sebring was mostly constructed out of sadness.

 I didnt see the spider web in the glass until I watched it in full screen. Three posts to respond? Thx for being an asshole though.

I have a 1973 RX-3 Savanna Sports Wagon (RX-3 Wagon one year only in the US) that I’m rebuilding. Half the battle is disconnecting yourself from everything NEEDING to go back to stock.

the 4th and 5th movies were fucking fantastic. If you didn’t see them that’s your loss. People (obviously) still enjoy them and they’ve done a great job over the last couple of keeping them incredibly entertaining. I’d suggest watching MI:4 at least once to give it a chance, unless you just want to continue your

When we were house hunting we asked our realtor to look at a specific house, and he told us no. “I know it looks like a quiet street away from everything, but the moment a construction barrel goes up it becomes an alternate route for people coming home from the bars.”

Funny story I had a 1985 Airbus H125..................

Yeah. Bad news. The cars were almost in “gimme” territory 5 years ago, but have steadily crept up, especially the E28. So, yeah, this isn’t going to help.

Wait until you see how this movie ruins the Airbus H125 market!

1. Difficult to know before it’s too late that your realtor didn’t help you identify questions you never thought to ask.

Show that last design to anyone past retirement age. Can’t get into the upper seat, can’t get out of the lower seat. Also, does that mean someone is literally crawling over your seat with their dirty shoes/whatever? No thanks.

I think my method is best: have the passengers strip to their underwear, inject each into a deep-sleep/coma, pack them like cargo in boxes (coffins if you may.) No problems with rowdy passengers, terrorist threats or airplane takeovers, you can even save on flight attendants and you arrive rested at your destination.

That stacked design seems like a nightmare if you’re claustrophobic, have physical limitations, or are above average height. I’m 6'5" and I can tell you just by looking at those that I wouldn’t have enough headroom.

More “Innovative designs”

The AirLair concept is cool, but Americans are so fat and out of shape. How would most passengers get in the top row?

Came here to say this. I flew round trip from Denver to Dallas for less than $100 last year (on spirit). It cost nearly as much as my flight just to park my car at the airport than it did to catch a seat on a goddamn jet airplane.