If the car you do that to has a dashcam, you could find yourself with indecent exposure charges and possibly have to register as a sex offender. I’d avoid this tactic.
If the car you do that to has a dashcam, you could find yourself with indecent exposure charges and possibly have to register as a sex offender. I’d avoid this tactic.
On a side note, look how much cleaner the FB app use to be instead of the garbled mess it is now.
You’re forgetting the golden rule of morons “Regardless of what happened, I’m always right”.
Look at it this way: he was unintentionally saying that you are the better man, although admittedly he set a low bar.
Someone once ran a stop sign when i didn’t have one and almost hit me. They then flipped me off. It still bothers me to this day that I got flipped off when I had zero fault in the situation.
I mean, that would be ideal, but hell, for a car like this I would settle for the 5.0.
You can buy the 5.2 Aluminator XS as a crate, but it’s not FPC. Ford had said they won’t sell the 5.2 Voodoo FPC so that it remains exclusive to the mustang brand
Why not just adjust the temperature control?
Of course they’re powered, because what type of peasant manually folds down a jump seat?
It’s fun to prank transportation security! It’s not like they have anything to do!
Yeah, you need to be in good shape and fit, but are you saying that is so strenuous that women can’t compete? If so, I’m not buying it. Broads already fly fighter jets just fine.
Whatever, the science is irrelevant. They put the red light cameras in for revenue, not safety. The last thing they want is some busy body from Sweden pointing out something they already know and having the public get wind of it and ruin their scam. His “science” has been available on YouTube and the broader internet…
I wish manufactures would just start charging more for the manuals and keep selling them. I would cheerfully pay $1500-2K more for a stick on a $50K car if it means I can get one. Maybe more on some cars - a manual Alfa Giulia or BMW 330i wagon would be worth a LOT to me. I’d even pay extra to skip AWD on the BMW, but…
Europe sees our cars&coffee and raises us one Nurburgring.
Agree with your last statement 100%, they are the worst.
It’s like he has no idea what opposite lock is, or how to use it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oppo was just from the steering forces induced by the slide, rather than by him knowing what to do. Way too little, way too late.
Related: I think I hate these people more than the driver of the car. These are the…