The Walking Cuban

Absolutely. "Oh they're just turning into a fun, entertaining movie so more people will watch it. Jerks"

And he's part of that drug game, though, all he does is wear only nothin but an apron and ties and untied shoestrings to test em out for different drug uses, but still! An accomplice!

Good point. He just didn't make it big then.

Nore… When he failed at rap he tried his hand at reggaeton… I believe now he makes the plastic ends of shoestrings somewhere in Belize…

So true. I hope civil war breaks the mold. I know thor 3 will, it has no other choice lol

Nah practical is the way to go

Mace n Puff?

I think Joseph's Stalin. He's actin KG, B, eatin Cold worchestershire sauce. I told him "Gestappo already", he needs to Polish his act, can't be Russian into these things.

Weekend at Berlin's

Ew Don't make me puke, I might need the Heinrich Maneuver

This is very cool news. He's one of those guys you think "man he was great, oh well, we'll never see him again" and BAM. Marvel.

That's my Aryan of expertise

But you haven't seen em, lol! Woo boy, it worked like a charm! About as appealing as the Klan! But I get your point, and really REALLY wanna see Wolverine go full blue and yellow. Mayb the change in timeline also changed his taste in clothing?

Think of it as a 4 part film. Ctp marvel and the inhumans will surely not just be fillers in between IW 1 and 2.

I wonder if they've caught the purp