
I happen to know someone working for Oculus (I’ve emailed your tipline a few things in the past) and let me say that once they get their “controller” out, it is going to be soooo much better.

I have only ever pirated the Fallout games, I bought 3 and New Vegas full price as well, along with all the DLCs. When I got a PC that could play games, I just couldn’t see purchasing it all again. I remember when you used to be able to buy a DVD movie and they would come with a digital copy as well. I’d like to see

I bought Fallout 4, full price on release. Why should I have to repurchase it for PC to make mods to put on console. You bet I torrented a copy. I also purchased every Dlc so far without the season pass, they got all the money they are going to get from me.

I wont say I have never done it, no judgement here.

Pretty sure it's 25 bucks unless you pirate it...

Go step on a Lego is hilarious. Thanks for that one.

My brain was unable to process all that at a certain point. Sounds fun.

What is a monkey fuck worth now anyways?

Yeah I'm 29 in a couple weeks, granted it's not old in the grand scheme of things, but my life has slowed down a lot and the time I do have is spent working or taking care of life stuff. Not complaining about it, except for the time I have to game. I can get some marathon sessions in here and there but, like you, the

Here’s another classic, buffaloHockey

He did it all wrong, he should have pitched a tent. He’s in Maricopa county.

Yeah, I agree. When I start a sentence with “I think” it is because I am open to having that viewpoint challenged or corrected. I know enough to know that I don’t know everything.

Appreciate the explanation, I value physical copies over digital as well, I like having the cases of discs lined up on my shelf and all that. Plus it feels like I am getting my money’s worth with a physical copy. So I get where you are coming from. I guess the only thing that would make me go digital is if I had to

So, we get a Wii-U that is a critical failure in EVERY SINGLE WAY and Nintendo NEVER created ONE game that legitimatized the Tablet controller.

Even if they produced a console that matched or exceed the average “power” between the PS4 and XB1, Nintendo has a long way to go before they have an intuitive online platform.

I loved the Gamecube era. Perhaps it was because it introduced me to the Resident Evil series for the first time, along with that game where Snoop Dogg was a hidden character. True Crime: Streets of L.A. I believe.

Here’s Gamespot with the breakdown of Nintendo’s current financial situation:

I was thinking the same thing. Why not just download it? If I lived in an area where physical goods took longer than most other places, and I had a digital option, I would much rather go digital. Something doesn’t add up with this guy lol

Just avoid ghosts, you havent missed anything.