Sanders/Kasich 2525

SIGH. If only this wasn’t the non-opinion of a white male troll. Fuck you adn burn in hell forever for taking this as an opportunity to make jokes and troll people. It is fucking disgusting and you are almost beyond the pale. Seriously.....have you no shame???

And you are something of a simple-minded fool.

FUCK DERAY. please ask me to say more.

BAM!!!!!! Neoliberal Shock Troops ALL IN YOUR KIDS EDUCATION. Tell us, DeRay: what matters, black lives or privatization?

DeRay The NeoLiberal Black Warrior knows a whole lot about schools—how to privatize them!!!! Fuck the working class and unions, right DeRay!!!! SOOOOOOO Happy that we finally got one of the Koch brothers to wear blackface!!!!!!!! Al Jolsen’s Life Matters, right asshole??????

Why elect a republican when you can get a hip black dude with the same values? DeRay 2016!!!!!

Nah, would be good if Azelia Banks and DeRay chartered a small plane and flew themselves into their hero Ronald Reagan’s grave.

DeRay is the NEW BLACK FASCISM. Have fun with neo-liberalist identity politics!

FUCKING DISGUSTING. He is shit and so are you.

Yeah, he is almost singularly G.W. Bush in blackface.

He is a MISERABLE piece of shit. Seriously, fucking ask me about it if you are curious.


Don’t worry. You are replying to a straight while male troll who poses on Jezebel as a Gay Somali Muslim Canadian Immigrant. And the FUCKING CRAZY THING is that people FUCKING BELIEVE HIM!!!

No; this is all lies. You are a disgusting sack of shit. As bad as a pedophile, getting off on ruining lives.

Because G and T is a piece of shit pedo apologist.

I’m confused though, because you are a white dude.

The world won’t really be habitable 100 years from now, so I think you will get your wish.

lol hoyo you are white dear

Amber is the very definition of a nobody who hustles for years off that one thing she did that one time (that one thing being...a slut walk, i guess)
