The Upsetter

What am I, some kinda smooth brained galoot can easily be swayed by less than 50 strangers on the internet?

He was wearing gloves when firing the handgun, and might have changed his clothes later.

I have.

I think it’s long past time to retire the term “Streisand Effect” and update it with something a little more apropos.

Yeah, I’m gonna take a side eye to this whole admission on her part. The woman was imprisoned in ruSSia which isn’t really known for having any respect for human rights.

I too, am 52 years old, and can think of one person off the top of my hat who was/is afraid of me. His name is George Russell and he is a serial killer currently serving two life sentences in Clallam Bay in Washington State for three counts of rape and homicide, and one count of attempted rape and homicide.

Remember how back in February when all over the world there was a huge “grassroots” movement by “freedom loving” truckers and their convoys to “protest the vaccines” by shutting down cities with their vehicles?

“It seems to speak to an attitude inside the business that creative types are easily replaced so need not be treated with respect.”

Even when he was no longer the Elevator Operator From The Dodgy Casino In St. Petersburg, The Gay Bellhop From The Future never forgot his roots. Even after an ill advised foray into figure skating with his wife the Baroness Abba The Boney M resulted in a debilitating accident that spiralled into crippling


Damn, ever since Putler started mobilization the quality of ruSSian trolling has really dropped.

Neuromancer is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed...

These stories of his behavior are just as rife as those as another supposedly nice talk show comedian that for years I have been referring to him as Bellend Degeneres.

I remember I was working my day job at an industrial fishing supply warehouse near Seattle’s Ballard district loading heavy chain by hand into a container for shipping to Alaska, when KISW broke the news that John Candy had keeled over from a heart attack in New Mexico filming a western. A little part of me died

No, we have litter boxes in classrooms because tEh gAyS ArE grOOmInG oUr kiDs To bE fUrRies! school shootings are becoming so prevalent that in the event of a lockdown kids need somewhere to be able to go to the bathroom.

When Cleese was starting out in the BBC it was still receiving hate mail for having Cy Grant on the small screen and probably half that hate mail referred to Grant as “Ein Mitglied der Royal Air Force von unbestimmbarer Rasse”.

Sarah Polley has more balls than half the ‘tough guys’ in Hollywood.

When I first moved to LA from Seattle in the 90's there were two movies I would watch to help with the crippling homesickness I was suffering from: Drugstore Cowboy and Breaking In.

You’d be surprised how dropping acid and realizing that the patriarchal East Coast WASP society you were raised to conform to is a rat race, can extend your life span.

I hear if three separate commenters mention the name “potatoface” in three separate comments he will one day re-appear.