"If that's how it is" lol... do you not believe him?
"If that's how it is" lol... do you not believe him?
He doesn't know the (obvious) difference between choosing to be racist and being born black. Like.. seriously. He thinks judging a person based on the content of their character, or the beliefs they hold (such as racism) is the same as judging people by the color of their skin (something that is not a choice and…
No you fucking dumbass, but thank you for explicitly not getting it so I can explicitly explain why you are wrong.
Labeling? He's a fucking bigot. Society doesn't like racists anymore. This has nothing to do with liberalism or being "PC" no matter how much dumbass O'Reillys and Becks and Limbaughs cry about it.
You're fucking retarded. You don't know the difference between being silenced and having an unpopular opinion. You literally don't know what censorship is, you fucking baby.
Yes, but when they do things that I don't like, you will hear me scream censorship! It's OK as long as the gays and socialists are being taken care of (non-victims by definition of the white dictionary).
The racist billionaire. Don't forget that he's a billionaire. I wish someone would stand up for the old white racist billionaires, you know? Life just has it out for those guys.
You aren't fluent in sarcasm, I take it.
The whole conversation is bullshit. Caring about gay people doesn't make you a liberal.
Yeah but the guy is a fucking moron and trotting out a boogeyman because that is what scared him as a kid and you are supposed to be likewise scared in an unthinking and noncritical way.
Oh yeah, well I challenge you to find me one person who has been physically attacked based on being a feminist/social justice activist/LGBT.... ahh fuck.
You're fucking stupid, so what's the point? You think making a joke about white guys is the same as literally enslaving people based on their skin? Fucking moron. You're not a victim, no matter how fucking sad and pathetic your life is.
Just keep in mind the entire argument is fucking stupid and disingenuous. There is nothing "liberal" about understanding that racism is scientifically ignorant, full stop.
You are so fucking retarded. Suspected it strongly, confirmed now. You really want to argue that the IV killings were not motivated by hating women?
Yeah man, it's EVERYONE ELSE who is wrong, you fucking retard.
You're fucking retarded.
Welcome to capitalism. Enjoy your stay (or not, we clearly don't give a fuck unless you are spending money).
You are right, it is fucking offensive for Americans to whine about "freedom of speech!" when they really want freedom from criticism, all the while true totalitarian governments lock people up for promoting a Western song.
It would be more fair if the government appointed these people to jobs for life so their liberty cannot be taken away if they say something unpopular.
You got a problem with capitalism then. It's top down and authoritarian by nature. This has nothing to do with democracy or some kind of tyranny of the majority. The people who fired Donald Sterling were not the majority of society, more like 10 guys in suits in a room.