
My tolerance for consuming large amounts of bourbon has increased dramatically!.... And i haven’t gained more than 3-5lbs! Its been a successful year.

First time I ever drove, was a day after receiving my learners permit. It was a rainy saturday and my parents ordered chinese food.

HA! almost, we have similar heritage... Sadly i havent written a multi-million dollar book to buoy my finances.

1991 Ford Taurus Station wagon: same color, with roof racks, but my dad waxed that ass weekly. She was retired after her third rear ending. Max Capacity of teenagers was 14 (while i was driving), we all got home safe everyday.

As a mixed race american (mom white/dad African Immigrant), I can say that I have heard many of the comments made by your former congregants. Its actually the reason i have more or less lost faith in formal congregations in general. Its easy for someone, in a racially monolithic community to imagine they are not

that paint job is the reason i like it! There’s nothing better than spanking a shiny show car in what looks like a beater.

or someone is about to get a good price on one....

AGREED!! mine was in dire need of a new suspension... i feel like a lot of acceleration was lost to the shifting and rolling of the body... it was no carola!!

I’d love to hand you the keys to my 1984 528e, whipping that thing down a windy 35mph road, 40mph feels like you’re flying down a group b rally course. that said ANY car from the 80's and 90's is primed for a motor swap or at least a turbo.

I can vouch for this car. Its a little under-powered but, as the old saying goes, “there’s nothing better than driving a slow car fast”... sold mine for 1800 6 years ago, worst decision ever.

I’ll take that bronzietbeige e28 off his hands...

do they have any daughters?

*just had a spit take at my desk you owe me some tide pens...

That one of my wheels will fall off. Mid turn. On any curvy road i have ever driven on. This does not stop me from driving in a spirited manor, but every long sweeper, i assume i will die, as my current car lacks all modern safety and stability controls. Wut is ABS?

Why wouldnt the “state” confiscate it and sell it and use the funds for the country?

rough guess 5 thousand cars... i wonder how long it will be before all/most/some amount of material is recycled into other cars?

they make stainless zip ties for those extra important bits

I am going to have to disagree, he didnt “get his powers” until he was 12.... in the 1800's as a christian he’s def getting snipped while a baby... it would not have “grown back” before his powers correct?

I can NOT believe this is on the list, if i had rugrats this would be my first it stands my datsun 510 will likely not be appropriate....