
I was living in New Zealand when the Pitcairn thing broke (I think Pitcairn falls under NZ jurisdiction, so it was a big deal there!) - I absolutely couldn’t believe this had been going on for so long, and how so many of the island women just shrugged it off as a “way of life.” Horrible!

This is horrifying.

Amish women and children who have been raped at night in bed were told it was a demon or a ghost who raped them.

Pitcairn and the Amish are the first two communities I thought.

Jesus fucking wept.

Rapists thrive in small, closed communities. I read a story way back in Vanity Fair about a history of rapes and sexual assaults in the closed community of Pitcairn Island.

This is a goddamn travesty. The local victims’ assistance offices should have a standing arrangement with every local hospital/ER billing department to receive the bill for any/all charges related to these kits. And those convicted of sex crimes should be required to reimburse the victim assistance office for these

It’s Pitcairn all over again. Remote location, conservative religion, inwards culture- God help you if you are a child.


jesus. i am so sorry for all that you have been through, but also fucking proud of how strong you’ve been.

No Definitely not fair. I’m sorry this injustice is happening to you and being enforced by the very people who probably say it’s not their faults-the courts.

That’s right. Nothing is free, and all services must be paid for, HOWEVER, the person paying the bill should be the fucking rapist. How about we hit them in the wallet too? ALL the bills for their crimes, including psychological counseling for the victim are sent to him, in perpetuity until all paid up.

Jesus, what an asshole. I’m so sorry that happened to you, it’s completely unacceptable

Me, too. It happened in 2002. I was billed 2,346.76. My rape broke me and dealing with life was not one of the skills I possessed, a little too busy trying not to kill myself for about 5 years. Both were greatly helped as a result of not having access to healthcare due to lack of insurance. My job paid me $7.75

I wouldn’t be surprise if someone’s “personal feelings” managed to get infused with this billing blunder. I work in a hospital’s billing department. I was written up for “insubordination” after getting into it with my former supervisor (the supervisor claimed that we billed for a certain service). I ended up having to

If you click on her name and go to discussions, you can read her original post where she talks about the other bills (therapy, anxiety medicine, Uber) she incurred.

Jesus, I’m so sorry.

I posted this a few weeks ago on another thread, but just wanted to confirm for everyone that this is unfortunately a very true reality for myself and other victims/survivors of sexual violence. I was sexually assaulted last year (it will be two years in March) and currently still receiving bills for the STD/STI

Those hospital billing employees should be replaced with the first office robots to come off the assembly line. The robots would be less likely to screw up, and can be programmed to express empathy if they do.

I just read an article on Breitbart that most of these women are playing this sick game where they wear sexy things like clothing and sometimes even shoes and go out in public to entice men doing seductive things like breathing, walking and blinking.