
Were there no computer simulations/engineering models prior to construction?

This needs to more attention

Agree with this. Also if you have a lot of excess weight QUIT DOING ENDLESS CRUNCHES! I see so many heavier people wasting so much of their exercise time doing meaningless crunches. Crunches will not specifically burn stomach fat. There are many other core exercises that will strengthen your abdominals, while also

You can't spot reduce bro.

Honestly, I cant wait to be part cyborg or something... So this is just the beginning of something I'm looking forward to seeing develop

This is but one step in a multi-faceted plan that results in RoboCop.

This. A thousand times this. And not only is the "top stories" feed laughably bad, but every single solitary time I open the app, it reverts back to "top stories." It doesn't matter how many times I change it to "most recent," it goes back every time and I see the same shit I don't care about over and over and over.

I know that complaining about Facebook changes is high on the list of "most ridiculous things you can waste your time on", but what is the hate-on that FB has for showing posts in chronological order? If their algorithm for determining what I was interested in was even vaguely accurate I might be more accepting, but

"You should go gluten free!"

Hence the term "most".

I know, right?! I just can't believe people can stomach doing anything besides workings towards a cure for cancer. Wait... why are we deigning to read and comment on such trivial articles?! We have work to do!

You know, I could have went into the lab today to finish up my cure for cancer.

"...but most of us in the U.S. are vaccinated for measles at a young age..."

But can it simmer? I've had my MSR Superfly for 10 years (bought it for $50 I think), and the flame control is still good enough to make burn-prone recipes such as pancakes. Only weighs about 5 oz too (w/o a canister).

..and a jumping board to the bottom...

That was my first thought too! Thick panes of glass would hold up as good as anything else. It might need some flexible joints to absorb movement.

The water would turn brown.

Very nice, but it needs a glass bottom.

My mom's mom's mom (my great grandmother) lived to be over 100. My mom's mom (my grandmother) is 99 with a birthday in February. My dad's dad's mom (another of my great gandmothers) just missed 100 by less than a year.